Would you be able to recommend the best online delivery by post pharmacy for an autistic person in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

Would you be able to recommend the best online delivery by post pharmacy for an autistic person in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

  • Hi! I believe there are several pharmacies in the UK that do online delivery. Most of the time, I use Pharmacy2u because they have the best service to my mind.
    There is also another service that I often use, but it is not from the UK. It’s [hyperlink removed by mod please do not post links to sites] pillpal and they do the delivery across Europe and the UK. The good thing about this website is that there are some drugs you cannot possibly find in UK drugstores. You just need to be careful with the law to ensure your order will not stop at the border and you will not get into any kind of legal trouble.

  • "Hi! There are a few different online deliveries by post pharmacies that cater to autistic individuals in the United Kingdom. A few of these pharmacies include: -Autism Pharmacy: www.autismpharmacy.co.uk/ -The National Autistic Society: https://www.nas.org.uk/ -Autism Speaks: https://www.autismspeaks.org/ - Pillpal: https://www.pillpal.to/ Each of these pharmacies caters to different needs and offers different services. It is important to consult with a professional to see which would be the best fit for your autistic individual."

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