Laser Eye Surgery

Just looking for opinions here. I use glasses to read and find it a bit frustrating having to take them of, put them on all the time plus I like to do DIY and tinker with my motorbike so end up upside down where my glasses keep falling off.  So I have been considering eye surgery which is basically the same as cataract surgery.

Has anyone had it done?
What are others opinions on it?

  • In dont think Laser eye surgery  is  the same as cataract surgery.

    Cataracts cause the lens in the eye to become cloudy, and are common in older people. I believe cateract surgery involves removing the cloudy lens and is common, fairly simple,  and highly successful. If the cateract is not removed vision gradually deteriorates.

    Laser eye surgery uses lasers to reshape the lens to correct long or short sight. It's complex and I guess that the benefits could be.temporary, as your eyes change with could be come long or short sighted again.

    I have friend who had laser eye surgery so she did not need to wear glasses in her 20s but now regrets it as in her 50s her eyes cannot be properly corrected even by wearing glasses.

  • You are quite right, I got my terminology messed up.  I am considering lens replacement which is the same as cataract surgery in that they take out the kens and put in a new one which should enable me to read without wearing glasses, it would also allow far vision to be retained.

  • You are quite right, I got my terminology messed up.  I am considering lens replacement which is the same as cataract surgery in that they take out the kens and put in a new one which should enable me to read without wearing glasses, it would also allow far vision to be retained.

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