Am I evil?

For saying, "No!" to the Vaccine?

I had to be cute to others who asked me about the Vaccine, and say that I wasn't eligible. However, I don't feel comfortable doing so.

The receptionist at the Doctors' was understanding and didn't shame or virtue-signal me. But I am still trying to walk a tightrope.

  • Anything that the USELESS FAT CLOWN BORIS has had anything to do with will alwyas be tainted and fail. SO - I say *** THE VACCINE... We all know it causes blood clots on the brain. It does not work anyway.

    It has been rushed through by incompetence and idiocy. 

  • er the rate of blood clotting is less than the contraceptive pill. Boris may be an idiot ... but scientists are only sometimes idiots :P

    Let me be frank. I used to work for the government, I know exactly how incompetent they are. However in my view their incompetence was in forcing this vaccine to jump through all the hoops we make vaccines go through when their isn't an emergency on. I feel on balance there was an argument that the government was over cautious with the vaccine and had some safety corners been cut many many more lives and livelihoods could have been saved.

  • Thats the problem my step daughter has got blood clots from the pill and nearly died ,and my father had clots in his 50's [at the time he was running about 20miles a week] and my mother died of a clot in her brain. So all in all a bit worrying.

  • in your specific case maybe discuss it with your GP then.

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