HELP!!! School Refusal

My 14 y.o keeps 'shutting down' every Friday in school. I'm not quite sure why. But today I had to pick her up early. 

I didn't take the car we would usually take and she got distressed. She explained that the car we took today is really loud and not smooth whilst driving. 

Today in school she refused to do work, eat, drink or even participate in lessons. This happens every Friday but she was refusing and misbehaving, unlike the other Friday's, where she will just shutdown. 

When she got home she wasn't talking to me and blamed me for taking that car and not the other, then there was no food, then she said I was neglecting her. She is now saying she will not go to school on sunny days since she does not like the sun, the warmth or the brightness and it puts her into a negative mood. I need help!!! 

(She only does part time in school). 

  • Try to find out the reason why,she may not understand herself ,just reaction to eldest son had a similar phase and we talked to school and he dropped 2 lessons that were the problem  PE and IT.

    i home school 3 of mine ,school was to damaging for them ,another person i know , does an online school for hers as she was starting to self harm and that is going well.

  • She loves school as the teachers can understand her better than mainstream. The timetable she has now is the one she came up with and was willing to do. We were homeschooling her after being removed from school then covid-19 came. We understand school was definitely damaging her to as she started to attempt to take her life and self-harm, luckily we changed where she lived, which was very hard for everyone, to live with her dad for a while, but now she's just started to do full time with us which was her goal. I'm not sure why Friday's haven't gone well as she loves school. 

  • She loves school as the teachers can understand her better than mainstream. The timetable she has now is the one she came up with and was willing to do. We were homeschooling her after being removed from school then covid-19 came. We understand school was definitely damaging her to as she started to attempt to take her life and self-harm, luckily we changed where she lived, which was very hard for everyone, to live with her dad for a while, but now she's just started to do full time with us which was her goal. I'm not sure why Friday's haven't gone well as she loves school. 

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