A National Friendship Database

I just think it would be great to have a national friendship database. Like those dating ones. You could register, put your details in e.g. hobbies, location, characteristics, and be matched up with friends. Everyone I meet online is so lonely. I've been lonely since 2005, living in a new area with no friends. It would be so much easier to have a database to look up friends on...

I tried Bumble BFF but just had a lot of nice conversations, no friends made *shrug*

  • I made a new friend a few months ago that I was scared of overwhelming with my enthusiasm. nicknamed him Mr New Special Interest. I thought it was a lighthearted but sweet joke. I can see though how true it is, that I relate to him as a Special Interest. I'm full of enthusiasm to share doing things together and share my thoughts. I've managed myself so contained it to just our weekly run. He's got a wife, two kids, busy job, extended family, so limited time but I'm full of enthusiasm to do stuff together, and with his kids. I think I generally have this pattern and it's not romantic or sexual, nor even needy, it's about sharing delight in things and offering these things to them, but also about sharing the inner machinations of my head. Maybe it's just that I have an insatiable appetite for life, but that comes from somewhere. Odd.

  • Yes you have to be REALLY careful not to overwhelm people don't you. When I began to make friends with the 2 friends I've got, I had to be really careful not to text them every day, get worried if they didn't text for a week, just try to relax and hope they hadn't dumped me. 

    They are my 2 best friends. But I never tell them this as I don't want to pressure them. I know they have other, closer friends than me so they would be shocked if I told them they are my only 2 friends in the world. So it's a constant juggle between what I need and their sanity. haha.

  • Yeah, i had a whole post on this a few months ago about overwhelming people, i think you mentioned this there. I have to rein in my enthusiasm for peoole. I've realised though that I'm a lot more important to many people than i thought. I often think i'm a small piece in someone's life only to discover i'm much more. I had an aspie like conversation once with an NT friend who i really liked, valued and esteemed. I was trying to explicitly understand his social connections so he talked about his close friends. He finished by saying "and then there's you, you're in a different league," and continued to state how he related to me differently and valued me. I was gobsmacked. I'd never twigged, saw myself as periphery, maintained a very measured approach to seeing him. I've seen that's been the case often since. But yes, even my closest friends i have to keep a big eye on my enthusiasm and their sanity and capacity.

  • You probably have @kiticat exploed natropathic herbalism. It took me a few years going up the learning curve and exploring my mind at the same time, but it's done me wonders. I love the book Healing with Wholefoods, and Botanical Bodycare. Recipes for Self Healing is also really good but you need a 5 Spirit Accupuncturist to guide you with it. I turned wholefoods and traditional medicine into my Special Interest, did courses in it, met some nice people etc.

    I know a little of that type of attention. I'm 50 but look mid thirties, sometimes can pass for my twenties, got ID'd on my 47th birthday. I dread the conversation of age coming up in groups, and the same, the focus goes on my lifestyle, food, not drinking, running, etc, when most of it is just genes. It's awkward. Sounds way worse for you, female friends have told me about the competeive nature of women in groups. There are great people out there, you just gotta keep looking.

    And so crap that cos of certain men you have to keep your messages off:(.

  • God, it sounds like you really struggle with your sensitive nature side. As Plastic has stated elsewhere, we often internalise all the negative things we perceive that has happened to us and hold on to them and are quick to forget all the positive experiences and people. If this is left unchecked it can result in a kind of cabin-fever negativity that can easily be incorporated into your everyday, habitual mindset .

    Everyone is different but I know more than one female family member who have dysfunctional digestive problems, immune-system related problems and so on. I'm not a medical expert but what I have observed is that the one person with the most symptoms I know of, is also the biggest worrier and seems to live in a permanent state of fear/stress. Fear of change being the most obvious. This is a re-enforced, double-skinned, concrete wall ( protective shell ) that has been built to protect them from previous experiences and traumas. Some of the traumas and experiences were very valid in the past but others more recently are entirely habitual reactions to the past.

     The body and mind are not separate entities.

    I would encourage a more holistic approach and reach out to those of a similar mindset. 

  • God, it sounds like you really struggle with your sensitive nature side. As Plastic has stated elsewhere, we often internalise all the negative things we perceive that has happened to us and hold on to them and are quick to forget all the positive experiences and people. If this is left unchecked it can result in a kind of cabin-fever negativity that can easily be incorporated into your everyday, habitual mindset .

    Everyone is different but I know more than one female family member who have dysfunctional digestive problems, immune-system related problems and so on. I'm not a medical expert but what I have observed is that the one person with the most symptoms I know of, is also the biggest worrier and seems to live in a permanent state of fear/stress. Fear of change being the most obvious. This is a re-enforced, double-skinned, concrete wall ( protective shell ) that has been built to protect them from previous experiences and traumas. Some of the traumas and experiences were very valid in the past but others more recently are entirely habitual reactions to the past.

     The body and mind are not separate entities.

    I would encourage a more holistic approach and reach out to those of a similar mindset. 

  • You probably have @kiticat exploed natropathic herbalism. It took me a few years going up the learning curve and exploring my mind at the same time, but it's done me wonders. I love the book Healing with Wholefoods, and Botanical Bodycare. Recipes for Self Healing is also really good but you need a 5 Spirit Accupuncturist to guide you with it. I turned wholefoods and traditional medicine into my Special Interest, did courses in it, met some nice people etc.

    I know a little of that type of attention. I'm 50 but look mid thirties, sometimes can pass for my twenties, got ID'd on my 47th birthday. I dread the conversation of age coming up in groups, and the same, the focus goes on my lifestyle, food, not drinking, running, etc, when most of it is just genes. It's awkward. Sounds way worse for you, female friends have told me about the competeive nature of women in groups. There are great people out there, you just gotta keep looking.

    And so crap that cos of certain men you have to keep your messages off:(.