A National Friendship Database

I just think it would be great to have a national friendship database. Like those dating ones. You could register, put your details in e.g. hobbies, location, characteristics, and be matched up with friends. Everyone I meet online is so lonely. I've been lonely since 2005, living in a new area with no friends. It would be so much easier to have a database to look up friends on...

I tried Bumble BFF but just had a lot of nice conversations, no friends made *shrug*

  • I made a new friend a few months ago that I was scared of overwhelming with my enthusiasm. nicknamed him Mr New Special Interest. I thought it was a lighthearted but sweet joke. I can see though how true it is, that I relate to him as a Special Interest. I'm full of enthusiasm to share doing things together and share my thoughts. I've managed myself so contained it to just our weekly run. He's got a wife, two kids, busy job, extended family, so limited time but I'm full of enthusiasm to do stuff together, and with his kids. I think I generally have this pattern and it's not romantic or sexual, nor even needy, it's about sharing delight in things and offering these things to them, but also about sharing the inner machinations of my head. Maybe it's just that I have an insatiable appetite for life, but that comes from somewhere. Odd.

  • Maybe it's just that I have an insatiable appetite for life,

    Awesome!   Me too - I speak to a lot of people and say how's things or what's going on for you and almost always the answer is "errrrr, nothing."

    I love getting together with my aspie friends - there's always something happening or interesting to talk about..

  • Yeah, it's easy to problematise positives. I can overwhelm myself, and be too busy to be good for me, but revelling in things can be fun! Yeah, I can't get my head around how some people have nothing going on. A friend asked me once by phone "What have you been up to this week?" then quickly filled in "No, don't,  just hearing  it all will exhaust me" He wasn't being nasty, he was being genuine that a list of everything I'd done would be too much.

    Then there's everything that's gone on in my head .... , that's even more fun!

  • Yeah - I took part in a zoom meeting for the model club on the weekend - there's always a show & tell bit - and I'm the only one doing anything - like all my Technical lego and building loads of Airfix models and sorting out the garage and project-managing the extension and going for my chemo and planning days away - and I'm dying! - all the rest are full of excuses and not achieving anything.  

  • Yeah - I took part in a zoom meeting for the model club on the weekend - there's always a show & tell bit - and I'm the only one doing anything - like all my Technical lego and building loads of Airfix models and sorting out the garage and project-managing the extension and going for my chemo and planning days away - and I'm dying! - all the rest are full of excuses and not achieving anything.  
