Finding it hard to get any info specifically to people with autism on antidepressant meds.

Hello everybody :) 

I have been taking sertraline 50mg for the past 38 days, initially I felt awful and it has taken a little time to feel improvement but I can safely say I am starting to feel much more like me again as time goes by, the only issue is.. the dose as I have read up online that people with autism, metabolise medications differently and typically require lower doses.

Has anybody here had a good experience and have you found that lower doses have suited you okay? :) 

I have read a few of temple grandin's book's and she seems to think the same thing too about doses.

I have had to reach out here, as my DR seems to plead ignorant unfortunately :( every time that I suggest my diagnosis and just treats me as the next person.

  • I was  prescribed citalopram in 2016 and was taking it for 6 months , First week was so calming ,like nothing i have ever experienced in living memory  , But the doses were getting more and more just to remain in this dreamlike world i was in .

    Then a few months before my diagnosis my gp wanted to take me off them .It took about 3 months to stop taking them by reducing the dose , After my assessments & diagnosis i was offered cbt to help manage anxiety .

    If i need to i can just have the odd tablet to help but no more than one a week , This was suggested to me by someone on this forum,

  • I was  prescribed citalopram in 2016 and was taking it for 6 months , First week was so calming ,like nothing i have ever experienced in living memory  , But the doses were getting more and more just to remain in this dreamlike world i was in .

    Then a few months before my diagnosis my gp wanted to take me off them .It took about 3 months to stop taking them by reducing the dose , After my assessments & diagnosis i was offered cbt to help manage anxiety .

    If i need to i can just have the odd tablet to help but no more than one a week , This was suggested to me by someone on this forum,
