
I used to go to some mental health outpatient clinic in my country (NHS) and their "help" has fucked me up.
I get continual angst from the *** they tried to indoctrinate me into. They didn't want to help but just *** me up and label me.

And the thing that gets me is that they singled me out for bad/*** advice and conduct and not anybody else.

This is a sample of this *** they used to tell me to "help" me:

  • LBGT people are sick and should die
  • It's a sin and mental illness to not be religious
  • Casual sex is evil
  • Playing video games is *** and an illness
  • Tattoos are a sin and an illness

But then hang on - like MILLIONS of people do these things.
So why was it a sickness for ME? Wasn't I human too?

Let's be frank, they had some agenda against me. To just *** me up and hurt me.
They are not there to help people but then just *** up people they think look weak and not "normal" in their eyes.

They were offended that somebody thought of as weak is doing stuff that was/IS NORMAL.
So *** them. From that point, I hated and still detest ALL mental health professionals in the world. They are all scum and don't actually care about helping people. Well, they do, but only the select and based on their subjective whims and appraisals of people.

Let's be frank - they are racist too.
If a person is white, female, pretty, and outgoing, they subconsciously make beelines and excuse behaviours they don't put on others. What a bunch of fucking RETARDS who think they're views on people are good cos the media say that's a "normal" person.
Who defines what normal is anyhow? Completely subjective.
To be honest, I don't care if this offends people. It's just my opinion/experiences. Who is to say I cannot voice this?
I'm glad that me being NORMAL like others causes others deep offence. Perhaps think and reason like adults and not kids - ,i.e. focus on your wives/husbands/jobs/kids/family/hobbies and not anything else.

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