TRIGGER WARNING: I have 6 months max. :(

I've finally got all the answers from the hospital and they say I have 6 months max.     It's not the news I was hoping for after so many other biopsies came back as non-malignant.

Sooooo - let's be positive about this - that's over 180 days to enjoy!

Bucket list time!!!!  Smiley

Help me out with suggestions - like:

I want to go to Lincolnshire and have a go in a bubble-car at the museum in Boston!  Smiley

What would on your bucket list?

Parents Reply
  • I had applied for a job, and there are complications with getting the application form - and access to a printer - and it's long-distance; plus full-time, with half-day Saturday.

    However, I will get the form printed out tomorrow at my local Credit Union, handwrite the form and drive to the location to submit the application personally.

    I owe you one as I had felt sorry for myself this morning.
