Finding meaning in life

How do you all make your life feel meaningful? I am 42 single living with parents. No children no great achievements. I wanted to do more but feel life life never got started because mental illness got in the way. I cant save money because I spend when I feel bad which is often. I'm tired of feeling like lofe is going nowhere. 

  • We exist for a purpose.

    The meaning of life is just to love and be loved. However, cultural differences get in the way. Some people with wealth are misanthropic and act the proverbial Blofield. But that doesn't make money bad; it's what are in our hearts and minds.

  • We exist for a purpose.

    The meaning of life is just to love and be loved. However, cultural differences get in the way. Some people with wealth are misanthropic and act the proverbial Blofield. But that doesn't make money bad; it's what are in our hearts and minds.

  • I think life without examination is a bit hollow. By that, I mean taking time out to try to figure out how we came to be here and where consciousness comes from. If you believe we all operate on the purely 'physical' level in a kind of Newtonian clockwork universe then that would be very depressing. But I think we need to look at the more mysterious roots of our existence which, I believe, we are destined to evolve towards. Maybe all I am simply stating is that we all need to grow.

  • Desmond79 was born to sing Slight smile
