I want euthanasia.

It should be legal for people Aspergers. There is no greater gift you could possibly give me than to spare me living the rest of my life in this hell.

You type in anything that google construes as seeking help on how to kill yourself, it's all censored and you get Samaritans and the NHS and all that "get help" crap. It fucking infuriates me. When I'm 40 and my life has still gone nowhere I'm going to go on the dark web. I bet there are real suicide sites that google is hiding and I'll find them.

  • One of the big problems is status quo - it's very difficult to do something very different to everyone else.       Most NTs lead the same lives - they do school, get married, have kids and then become good consumers with lots of debt.    

    Breaking out of this mould is very hard - what kind of life do you think you really want?      Living on a boat?      In a hut in the forest?      Being sectioned so someone looks after you 24/7?        Do you really want a wife & kids?

    If you know that you're as Aspie, how can you turn your life to your advantage?   You don't have to play the same game so ending it early seems short-sighted.

  • Living on a boat or a hut in the forest is a pipe dream. Being sectioned is more likely. You're one of those people who think aspergers is a difference not a disability well maybe for you but not for the vast majority of us and certainly not for me.

  • I disagree with you slightly - it is a difference *and* a disability - but we also have responsibility for our own lives.     I've been relatively successful in life but I've been mercilessly bullied and abused all along the way.      There have been times when I've been suicidal.     I've recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer and nothing focusses the mind more than certain death - it's when you realise that you *really* don't want to die.

  • Feel free to pm me here - I think you might need to send me a friend request or something - not sure how the new system works.

  • I'm sorry if it means anything. Can I have your email? I think you're someone I could find valuable to talk to privately if you're ok with that.

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