Possible ASD 10 year old girl


I rang GP yesterday about my 10yo daughter. She has been displaying different traits for years but I have wanted to wait until she is older before deciding whether to get some intervention as she overall dossnt seem 'that bad'. However this has changed recently and she seems to be getting worse so I found the courage to ring GP and was fobbed off. Just given a website to look at (obviously I've done a lot of research prior to phoning!) And told to speak to the school.

The thing is, the school doesnt have any concerns, at school shes shy and quiet and would never have a melt down, complete opposite at home. My husband has 10 years experience working with autistic young adults and he has said for years she is on the spectrum but how do you get professionals to listen to you? 

Main concerns:

Routines; she likes a routine, she copes better with ipad at certain times, shell do her morning routine at 9.30am, likes lunch at 11. We do recycling on a wednesday and if I ask her to help me on any other day she cannot cope that it is not a Wednesday.

Repetitive movements- shes always walked/skipped a few steps one direction then changes direction and she can do this for an hour and has done this every day for the last 5 years. She either hums at the same time or repeats a sentence over and over. She tells me she has a story in her head. More recently shes developed tics, eye squinting and jerking her head back.

Difficulty with gross and fine motor skills- coordination isnt great shes very clumsy and drops things a lot. She finds small things fiddly and still struggles with knife and fork.

Melt downs- she will have this over anything at home, the slightest thing she can cry and shout at but not at school. Shes very sensitive. At school she would never do anything wrong and is polite but at home she is completely different. 

Taking things literally- she doesnt understand sarcasm, if you said 'pull your socks up' in jest  she would. Her friends can be bitchy or manipulative but it goes over her head she doesnt get it.

Also and I am not sure this is an actual thing but she seems to be quite self absorbed, she displays a lot of sympathy but seems to lack empathy. If I was unwell it would be 'oh well you will get better'or if she has done something wrong she just lacks the guilt? I'm not sure I'm still trying to work this one out and not sure it's a trait in itself. 

Any advice welcome xx

  • Forgot to say sorry that when she was younger I couldnt take her anywhere busy she would get overwhelmed. She would put her hands over her ears for hand dryers and loud noises. Now she is better with those sorts of things but her diet is very restricted. She basically survives on a very minimal food group and wont try new foods or if she does she gags. She has thr same food every single day for breakfast lunch and tea. X

  • Forgot to say sorry that when she was younger I couldnt take her anywhere busy she would get overwhelmed. She would put her hands over her ears for hand dryers and loud noises. Now she is better with those sorts of things but her diet is very restricted. She basically survives on a very minimal food group and wont try new foods or if she does she gags. She has thr same food every single day for breakfast lunch and tea. X

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