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Has anyone tried CBD OIL to help with calming Autistic children?

  • use natural CBD products over the synthetic CBD stuff please source this correctly not from large chain stores that create a plant in the lab instead of planting the actual plant that helps everyone this synthetic CBD within large stores is not a natural healer unlike the actual cannabis plant which you receive CBD and THC and multiple other cannabinoids from  each with a different medical benefit to the other and each person reacts differently we all have a endocannabinoid system however some are affected in different ways.

  • use natural CBD products over the synthetic CBD stuff please source this correctly not from large chain stores that create a plant in the lab instead of planting the actual plant that helps everyone this synthetic CBD within large stores is not a natural healer unlike the actual cannabis plant which you receive CBD and THC and multiple other cannabinoids from  each with a different medical benefit to the other and each person reacts differently we all have a endocannabinoid system however some are affected in different ways.

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