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Has anyone tried CBD OIL to help with calming Autistic children?

  • I've never drunk drops of CBD oil. However, I always rubbed it into my joints. I also rub it on the temple area when I have a headache. If your child has headaches, you can explain that this oil can relieve the pain. I order the oil in different volume bottles at [removed by mod please do not post sales links]. I like its effect, not only soothing but also cooling. I always feel like the spot where I rubbed the oil on the joint cools slightly. Have you felt anything similar? Perhaps I'm reacting to this substance in some unique way, but I like CBD.

  • I've never drunk drops of CBD oil. However, I always rubbed it into my joints. I also rub it on the temple area when I have a headache. If your child has headaches, you can explain that this oil can relieve the pain. I order the oil in different volume bottles at [removed by mod please do not post sales links]. I like its effect, not only soothing but also cooling. I always feel like the spot where I rubbed the oil on the joint cools slightly. Have you felt anything similar? Perhaps I'm reacting to this substance in some unique way, but I like CBD.

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