Dealing with mental health (low moods and anxiety) by forgetting the past and improving my relationship with food/stop comfort eating

I am high-functioning on the autism spectrum, and currently I am doing a Masters degree in Library and Information Studies. I have been struggling with dealing with being resiliant and self-esteem since I have been bullied at school. I have managed to get good GCSEs, A Levels, and a good undergraduate degree, but I struggle to move forward from the past which has left with bad anxiety and comfort eating issues to make me forget them. Does anyone have any strategies about how to be more resiliant and not let a bad day encompass how you feel for a long time (meaning, how do you get through them without reminding yourself about them)?

  • Hi. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling - I struggle with anxiety too, and I can have a tendency to go to food for some comfort.

    The best thing I did for myself was to get mental health support; I had CBT for anxiety and OCD for most of last year and it got me to a much better place, although I definitely still have my ups and downs.

    In terms of eating, I find it's best to distract myself if I'm feeling like I just want to snack constantly. Hobbies like playing a musical instrument, writing, or doing puzzles (tasks you can really immerse yourself in) often help to distract me from the desire to overeat. Also, make sure that you're getting three good meals a day, so you'll be less likely to snack inbetween.

  • Thank you  . It is okay to know that I am not alone in this, although I am sorry that you struggle too. I would definitely like mental health support especially counselling that offers practical advice, which I assume is an elemet of CBT. I have had ups and downs, but counselling calmed me down. However, it was more about talking than offering strategies.

    I get three good meals a day, but I definitely still struggle. I don't like it, otherwise I will buy from every shop in my area and go broke. I suppose the coronavirus will stope me from buying food to snack on. I will try to distract myself especially since I have a lot of essays to do. 

  • Thank you  . It is okay to know that I am not alone in this, although I am sorry that you struggle too. I would definitely like mental health support especially counselling that offers practical advice, which I assume is an elemet of CBT. I have had ups and downs, but counselling calmed me down. However, it was more about talking than offering strategies.

    I get three good meals a day, but I definitely still struggle. I don't like it, otherwise I will buy from every shop in my area and go broke. I suppose the coronavirus will stope me from buying food to snack on. I will try to distract myself especially since I have a lot of essays to do. 

  • Thank you . He's not that bright haha :) 

  • Glad it worked for you Slight smile Haha, sounds like he's not practising social distancing Slight smile

  • I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. All this uncertainty is getting to everyone, including me when I found out my gym and horticulture project is closed for an unknown amount of time. I have to stop myself from feelings low so I do not undergo rumination. It's good you're occupying yourself, I am doing the same. Stay well. 

  • Completely understandable. I tried the plan last night and it did work (made me go to sleep earlier until I had to wake up early to need the loo!). Having a dog certainly helps when he is not sniffing too much when walking and running towards other dogs despite being on a lead. 

  • Hi there. I have 2 kids and finding this an immense struggle. Just been diagnosed at 50 and just want coming to terms with it, but the virus has made it a lot harder. I struggle with obsessional thinking and ruminations very often and I have to keep my self occupied. I tend to watch a lot of I .player, radio, and fidget toys at the moment. Oh yeh and loads of housework and walks which I find really boring,but have to be done for my paranoid mind.stay well my friends speak asap.

  • That sounds like a good plan.

    Sorry - I just realised you did say this in your original post. My brain's a bit scrambled with all the madness going on! I really wish I had a dog right now (my landlord won't allow it) - I find the company of a dog very comforting. That's a good idea - hope you find it helps Slight smile

  • I think I found a CBT guide online which I will check later. 

    I am studying Library and Information Studies MA. I am self-isolating by exercising indoors, working on my MA, and walking the dog. I have a plan of distracting myself from snacking by watching a film downstairs from my room every so oftne (I have downloaded a few!) which I hope works. 

  • I definitely got some practical advice through CBT, so hopefully that'll help. 

    I've found coronavirus is limiting my snacking too - I'm self-isolating, so I can't head to the shops just yet. What are you studying?