What Happens If I Start A Thread About That "Coronavirus" Thing...?

Greetings, All... S'Me. Yes There is already a Thread about this, but I did not want to possibly invite whatever may happen upon this Thread onto another (innocent!) User, so, I begin this separate Thread here (a bit like My "Climate Change" Thread).

In social media this is currently a hot/constant topic, and rightly so... yet I have certain views concerning it which I was wondering about. Please try to be nice and I apologise in advance if I offend/anger anyone...


...Apologies that this is from "The Daily Express", but it is about the closest to what I M'self was thinking about this 'Coro-Flu'-Thing currently going on. Social Media *loves* to highlight Death, Destruction, Suffering, Contagion, etc. etc... but I have seen VERY few articles mentioning "survival rate" rather than "death rate" about Coro-Flu... and fewer articles pointing out that it is a version of INFLUENZA. 

I suffer badly from FLU Myself, and so do all of the things now recommended ("Social distancing", hand washing, etc.) as a matter of course. But now it is recommended for all to do...

In Japan, wearing face-masks is a common practice, for example. 

Also, in this Thread, I am carefully wondering about the following approach... Coro-Flu is just ordinary Influenza but has an "Identifiable Tag" of sorts; and that if *all* Influenza-s were able to be tracked in this way, then all of the statistics would be similar. (Regardless of starting point.)

...Pretty much post whatever You may want, anyone... I am seeking opinion. Even ordinary Influenza is not nice at all, but it is *not necessarily fatal*, and that is what was difficult to find out about this Coro-Flu-Thing.

  • I don't get it - the death rate of this virus is much lower than most other flu types  (we normally have about 1500 deaths per year)  but the hype around it seems strangely artificial - almost like the planned 2020 recession wasn't going to happen so certain powers have decided to force it via panic & scaremongering.   Interesting that it's a US election year and the swamp is desperate to get rid of Trump to stop him digging into their scams and fraud activities.   In the US, without any truth or evidence, CNN (The Clinton News Network) has started to headline this as a pandemic to panic the population - even though almost all of the (few) deaths in the US were in one old people's home.

    It also coincides with a global oil price-war so suddenly reducing demand will make that much nastier for a lot of the countries and companies involved.

    It also demonstrates the lunacy of open borders where knowingly-infected people are deliberately travelling West so they don't get stranded in third-world conditions.

    I'm concerned - I have no immune system - but sceptical.

  • I don't get it - the death rate of this virus is much lower than most other flu types  (we normally have about 1500 deaths per year)  but the hype around it seems strangely artificial - almost like the planned 2020 recession wasn't going to happen so certain powers have decided to force it via panic & scaremongering.   Interesting that it's a US election year and the swamp is desperate to get rid of Trump to stop him digging into their scams and fraud activities.   In the US, without any truth or evidence, CNN (The Clinton News Network) has started to headline this as a pandemic to panic the population - even though almost all of the (few) deaths in the US were in one old people's home.

    It also coincides with a global oil price-war so suddenly reducing demand will make that much nastier for a lot of the countries and companies involved.

    It also demonstrates the lunacy of open borders where knowingly-infected people are deliberately travelling West so they don't get stranded in third-world conditions.

    I'm concerned - I have no immune system - but sceptical.

  • I get it.

    It's irrational panic,  mob hysteria and herd mentality. 

    Thousands of people are killed and injured in traffic accidents every year,  but nobody talks about banning cars or not crossing the road.

    I'm not really worried about illness or death because I'm already suicidal. 

    My main concern is the inconvenience to my life, if we get quarantines or shortages etc.