I'm on my own

Hello, I'm having to go out on my own now and I'm scared. My dad has died and now that I'm 18 I have to do things for myself and I don't know what to do first. There's the house, mortgage to do which I don't understand at all! It's all so crazy and hard to accept. I hate the change, I hate everything

  • 1. Breathe

    2. Don't forget to eat, sounds silly but many don't notice hunger in the sea of emotions following a loss.

    3. Understanding what is going on/needs to be done takes a lot of the stress and anxiety out of things, In UK I'd suggest making a list and then going to Citizens advice, US equivalent I think is legal aid.

    4. Things will get better

  • 1. Breathe

    2. Don't forget to eat, sounds silly but many don't notice hunger in the sea of emotions following a loss.

    3. Understanding what is going on/needs to be done takes a lot of the stress and anxiety out of things, In UK I'd suggest making a list and then going to Citizens advice, US equivalent I think is legal aid.

    4. Things will get better
