please help me

I'm 26, never had a girlfriend or job, no qualifications. My dreams are modest but I doubt I will ever reach them. I live a solitary, miserable life.

  • Do you have any hobbies? Why not start one? I've just joined the Couch to 5K. Its a good way to meet people and its dark and you're running so its not too daunting. All of your goals are definitely achievable, don't lose hope.

    You could also look at volunteering? What interests do you have? Maybe look down that route.

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  • I used to have a volunteer gardening job but circumstances have been so stressful that I haven't been able to do it for a year. The way things are right now, it could be months before I start volunteering again. All I have is my Mum.

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  • Im in  very similar position.

    51yrs old and now living alone after recent separation....having quite a few down days which is understandable....and even though i am Autistic and have never really been able to maintain friendships....It would be nice.,.or at least in my be able to do so,but alas!

    Now ive got to get use to no clock watching as my days can often seem like weeks...

    I like what you said about, doing the small things...I guess its all about, or in part,about routine!

    I'll get there slowly(wherever there is) as i am still in the process of the breakup, which actually began in aug 2018...but it took 1.5yrs before i could actually its all very real at the moment..and my Autism diagnosis came last june ive not had proper chance to process this is its all parallel to the break up and not being able to see my kids, due to distance and being physically ill(fibro/cfs and c5 c6 disc stenosis) im not always able..

    Some days i feel like im just waiting to die...but know thats just me and my leanings towards depression.

    Im still here, and am oddly enough , stronger or rather more resilient than i give myself credit for..So its a battle of the mind at the moment...licking my wounds and then very briefly ,feeling like  a champion...but very seldom!

    I may try a coffee shop maybe...but not  (joke) it actually looks quite therapeutic! who  

  • I am in the same position, anxious about volunteering after a breakdown.  However I give myself small goals each day, write them down like washing up, hoovering etc. In spring, I plant a few seeds and crochet or Knit listening to music.  I have improved over time but winter months are not good for me as I'm sure I suffer from seasonal adjustment disorder.  I don't live with anyone, so life can be lonely for a fifty plus year old, although I do toddle along to the nearest coffee shop on Friday to relax with my crochet and enjoy a cappuccino.  Don't set yourself big unachievable goals but small ones.

    Take care, Debs