Autism and Dentist.

Hello everyone

I recently took the plunge to see the dentist after 7 years due to me getting really bad tooth ache after ingoring the fact that I have broken my tooth last april when holiday and never went to get it looked at and removed it because I generally don't like the fact that you have to pay for treatment e.t.c also I have had bad experiences with dentist in the past so If I have to go it has to been with a special needs dentist and the one I saw yesterday became my go to dentist person and see will be doing all the treatment I need like a tooth removal, a filling and clean but the dentist person is going to be building me up to the tooth removal stage and by doing minor treatments to get me used to what going on and what the person is like.

Has anyone esle had issues with dentist or struggle to see a Special Needs ones and what are your thoughts on the dentist and autism situation. 

  • I am afraid I have always been very nervous of Dentists from a small child. When I was a child the only way to get a tooth out at the Dentist was by gas and I just hated that so much having a horrid  mask put over my mouth. I remember as an Adult in my middle 20's I had a lady Dentist an she was a total nightmare all round. She could see I was very nervous at was not kind or patient with me she stopped drilling my teeth one time she was preparing a tooth for a filling, an when she stopped an took the drill out of my mouth she shouted at me and said for goodness sake will you please sit still or I will split your mouth open an then it will take me all morning to stitch you up. As you can imagine that made me feel 10 times worse. I should have reported the Dentist but I never did do so. Thankfully that Dentist  left to get Married an I got a very good one after that who was very patient with me an explained everything he was doing before each step which was good. You can also get on line information I have found out recently to give your Dentist which explains about going to  the Dentist and all about Autism, an the fears we Autistic people may have about going to Dentist, an how best a Dentist can treat a person on the Spectrum. I am get a new Dentist soon and I handed in the sheet I printed of for him to read before I see him which will be this coming Week and I hope it will help him understand a bit about what it's like for people with Autism,  going to a Dentist. I hope I have not scared you off going to much. Can you take a family member or a friend with you if you feel nervous in going yourself . I hope you get on ok at your appointment ok. I will think of you at it.

    Alll the best


  • That lady sounds awful! Where did you find the information for dentists? I'm in the process of finding a new dentist, so this could be really useful.

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