Autism Anxiety and Diet

Hello Everyone 

I need to help and advice as I thinking my anxiety crisis is coming back which is not great as last time it last 4 years before I entered recovery this year. I'm under alot of stress at the minute as I'm on process of changing jobs to move closer to home.

I experiencing increased tummy aches which is caused by stress and increased tension which brings on the flaps and runs. 

I'm wondering how everyone deals with Autism Anxiety using natural methods not medication. 

Also what diets do you recommend for someone who suffers with Autism to prevent complications and autism anxiety. 

Any advice will be gratefully appreciated.

  • Research is increasingly reporting that atypical sensory integration in autistic individuals results in various symptoms including anxiety.

    Some of the brain regions involved in sensory integration “contain GABAergic inhibitory neurons that release an inhibitory neurotransmitter, γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA). Brain GABA levels are decreased in ASC.”

    These brain regions are also connected to the vagus nerve which in turn is connected (among other areas) to the gastrointestinal tract. Folk metaphors such as ‘butterflies in the stomach’ allude to the relationship between anxiety and the stomach. There are other less mentionable metaphors available, including one that refers to a hot variant of the seed of the horse chestnut tree.

    GABA can be found naturally in oolong tea. Oolong tea is partially fermented tea. (Green tea is unfermented, black tea is fermented.) For a study showing the positive effect of oolong tea on autistic individuals see here:

    Unfortunately the oolong tea that has high levels of GABA is quite expensive. I think to boost GABA levels it is placed in a nitrogen rich environment. You can buy GABA supplements for a cheaper option. Might be worth a try.

  • Research is increasingly reporting that atypical sensory integration in autistic individuals results in various symptoms including anxiety.

    Some of the brain regions involved in sensory integration “contain GABAergic inhibitory neurons that release an inhibitory neurotransmitter, γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA). Brain GABA levels are decreased in ASC.”

    These brain regions are also connected to the vagus nerve which in turn is connected (among other areas) to the gastrointestinal tract. Folk metaphors such as ‘butterflies in the stomach’ allude to the relationship between anxiety and the stomach. There are other less mentionable metaphors available, including one that refers to a hot variant of the seed of the horse chestnut tree.

    GABA can be found naturally in oolong tea. Oolong tea is partially fermented tea. (Green tea is unfermented, black tea is fermented.) For a study showing the positive effect of oolong tea on autistic individuals see here:

    Unfortunately the oolong tea that has high levels of GABA is quite expensive. I think to boost GABA levels it is placed in a nitrogen rich environment. You can buy GABA supplements for a cheaper option. Might be worth a try.

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