I don't want to be here anymore

I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want any pain or suffering, I just want it to be over. If I google how to kill myself it just comes up with loads of numbers to talk to people for help. I don't want. Can someone tell me a way that is guarenteed to work with no pain/suffering. 


  • There is no guaranteed way - this is coming from a suicide survivor. I'm sorry to hear your feeling like this. Have you felt like this before, if so did anything help you? 

    I still get suicidal thoughts but now my MH has improved since finding out I was autistic, I've been able to recognise this is my minds natural reaction to a 'meltdown'. Although it's scary and makes me feel rubbish I know these feelings will pass, which makes it easier to cope with.

    Are you seeing anyone from psychiatric services? If not, do you feel able to speak to your GP about this? They may be able to refer you to services in your area that can help you to overcome the challenges you are currently facing. For example, a psychiatrist was the first person to prescribe me sleeping tablets. Getting a good nights sleep significantly improved my mood and is helping to maintain my well-being.

  • There is no guaranteed way - this is coming from a suicide survivor. I'm sorry to hear your feeling like this. Have you felt like this before, if so did anything help you? 

    I still get suicidal thoughts but now my MH has improved since finding out I was autistic, I've been able to recognise this is my minds natural reaction to a 'meltdown'. Although it's scary and makes me feel rubbish I know these feelings will pass, which makes it easier to cope with.

    Are you seeing anyone from psychiatric services? If not, do you feel able to speak to your GP about this? They may be able to refer you to services in your area that can help you to overcome the challenges you are currently facing. For example, a psychiatrist was the first person to prescribe me sleeping tablets. Getting a good nights sleep significantly improved my mood and is helping to maintain my well-being.

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