Just had my first appointment, need some help.

So basically I've just returned from my first appointment at my local community mental health centre after being referred by my GP.

I felt that the conversation I had when there was very broad and didn't really take into account any wider points, specifically more related to Asperger's. The majority of the question were about the social side of things, which I understand is obviously a big part of AS, but other characteristics affects me too and make life difficult.

All in all we spoke for only 15 to 20 minutes before she concluded I don't have AS, that I have social anxiety and depression and tried to pit me on a course of anti-depressants. She said she'd book me another appointment to see her in 3 months, and one to see a psychiatrist about the social anxiety. I declined the medication, not least because I'm not depressed, but also because I am put off by side effects and such.

I understand how social anxiety can be very closely related to AS, but I feel she didn't listen to or pay any attention to the other characteristics and such that are covered by the umbrella that is AS. Obviously some days I feel 'down' about things, but it's very far from being depressed and I feel as if they've just made an extremely quick decision in trying to offer me anti depressants before fully understanding everything.

Should I just continue and go to the appointment in 3 months, and the one with the psychiatrist, or should I go back to my GP and try and get referred to someone else who may pay more attention to me?

I probably should've mentioned, I'm 20.

Thanks for any advice/help :)

  • Don't thake this the wrong way Dave V, but sometimes the professional can be right. Some people have Social Anxiety or PDD, people are too quick to read about symptoms and talk about an awkward childhood ( which most have). They add it together to Aspergers so quickly some nver get to being diagnosed as they decide it for themselves.

    Now you may actually have Aspergers Syndrome, and I've never understood why peoplea re so desperate for the Psych to give them the label, but you have to understand that people who are trained to diagnose sometimes say no.

    I would go for the appointment in 3 months though, it is best to see these things through as second opinions are valuable things ( if you can get one).

  • Don't thake this the wrong way Dave V, but sometimes the professional can be right. Some people have Social Anxiety or PDD, people are too quick to read about symptoms and talk about an awkward childhood ( which most have). They add it together to Aspergers so quickly some nver get to being diagnosed as they decide it for themselves.

    Now you may actually have Aspergers Syndrome, and I've never understood why peoplea re so desperate for the Psych to give them the label, but you have to understand that people who are trained to diagnose sometimes say no.

    I would go for the appointment in 3 months though, it is best to see these things through as second opinions are valuable things ( if you can get one).

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