Angry with everyone and the world

Hello I am feeling so angry with everybody and with the world because I have just read that the human rights organisations do not see some or all things including compulsory military service as slavery or forced labour when it is actually is forced labour and slavery and that the human rights organisations should see something like that as forced labour and that everyone including the human rights organisations should see everything like that as human rights violations and forced labour and that human rights should apply to all of us and that we should all be protected from all things that violates human rights including forced labour/work and slavery and that we should all have more rights as human beings to freedom of choice, to live how we want to live our own lives and for all of us to have more of our own free will too. I really want the world to change now and that I want to do something about the compulsory military service not being seen as forced labour to actually be seen as forced labour as it is forced labour and that it actually does violate human rights. I really want organisations like Amnesty International and the United Nations to campaign for compulsory military service to finally end or be abolished in all other countries like they are already campaigning for the death penalty to be abolished as the military risks lives and creates a lot of war and we don't need war at all and that the military involves killing other people like the death penalty and that two wrongs do not make a right. Also abortion should end or be abolished in all countries too as abortion also involves taking away a human life of an unborn baby/fetus and that nobody has the right to take away another person's life at all in any circumstances.

  • Anger won't help anything. It'll only hurt you. I know it's not as simple as deciding not to be angry anymore but you obviously carry around a lot of anger and it's not healthy for you.

    One person can't change the whole word. But they can make a difference. Not with anger though. Anger is what causes things like war. You need to take that anger and channel it into something positive. Pick one thing about the world you would like to change. Research it. Campaign for it. Raise money for it. Do something good with the way you feel.

    I massively recommend a hobby as well. Another way for you to channel feelings. What do you like to do?

    The abortion part I can't agree with though I'm afraid. You want everyone to have human rights but you want to take away a massive right of women. You are entitled to your opinion and feelings so I won't get into an abortion debate with you. But if you like reading, can I recommend a book called A Spark of Light by Jodi Piccoult. It's fiction but shows lots of view points of abortion but also the devastation that unchanneled anger can cause

  • Anger won't help anything. It'll only hurt you. I know it's not as simple as deciding not to be angry anymore but you obviously carry around a lot of anger and it's not healthy for you.

    One person can't change the whole word. But they can make a difference. Not with anger though. Anger is what causes things like war. You need to take that anger and channel it into something positive. Pick one thing about the world you would like to change. Research it. Campaign for it. Raise money for it. Do something good with the way you feel.

    I massively recommend a hobby as well. Another way for you to channel feelings. What do you like to do?

    The abortion part I can't agree with though I'm afraid. You want everyone to have human rights but you want to take away a massive right of women. You are entitled to your opinion and feelings so I won't get into an abortion debate with you. But if you like reading, can I recommend a book called A Spark of Light by Jodi Piccoult. It's fiction but shows lots of view points of abortion but also the devastation that unchanneled anger can cause
