"NeuroDiversity"... means Psychopaths and Sociopaths, too (nowadays).

"NeuroDiversity"... means Psychopaths and Sociopaths, too, now.
Just in case anyone here might not know.
Just in case I am not believed, here are links. (But also just type "NeuroDiversity +Psychopath and/or +Sociopath into your Search Engine to bring up lots of results.)
These do also admit that "ND" was a term originally coined by Autistics... but since then, the Psychopaths have adopted it, too.

Autistics worry and care... Socio/Psycho-paths do not. That is supposed to be the difference.



...I am Autistic, and I have to live with a person of one of those other types stated, there (My so-called 'Brother'). This is the reason why I post less of late... and I may eventually have to leave this Forum completely.

Now you all know.

  • I had a conversation with someone about it recently. There are a LOT of nonsensical opinions about autism on the internet. I had a coversation with someone recently, I think I mentioned it in a thread. They insisted that "people with AS are similar to sociopaths because they lack empathy". Myself and one of her closest friends are on the spectrum. I asked her to give examples of when she could think of when she'd seen this in me and her friend she couldn't name one. Still the conversation went on. I ended up saying "What's your excuse for having no empathy, are you a sociopath?", she asked what I meant. I said "Well you don't care about what you are saying or you do and are doing it regardless, maybe for effect". It pretty much ended that conversation. I got an apology the next day because they'd had a few drinks. They explained that they'd read some stuff on the internet, which explained a lot! 

    The internet is not a good place to look for enlightenment sometimes, there's quite a lot of rubbish floating around there's one called Heartless Aspergers that is particularly stupid. People tend to bunch together, and echo each others bullshit in places. It can seem like that's the popular opinion, but in reality most of it is like an echo chamber. Don't worry about Quora and that other site. If you look for a negative opinion on anything on the internet you'll find it if that's what you are looking for. You'll find positive stuff too if that's what you are looking for.

    Best thing we can do is just carry on being ourselves, people will base an opinion on us, not some bullshit on a wordpress site full of crap, or at best even our condition. People should always see the individual, and base their opinion on that. That's my opinion.

    Sorry to hear about your situation, I have a few people with severe mental conditions in my family. It can be draining to be around, I don't know the situation with your brother, and I wouldn't expect you to get into it. I can only hope you will be OK.

    Even though you post less frequently, I always look forward to reading your posts. You always seem full of beans, and positive. I really hope you don't leave, and that things get better. We never did start a Dacia Sandero thread!

    All my best thoughts,


  • I had a conversation with someone about it recently. There are a LOT of nonsensical opinions about autism on the internet. I had a coversation with someone recently, I think I mentioned it in a thread. They insisted that "people with AS are similar to sociopaths because they lack empathy". Myself and one of her closest friends are on the spectrum. I asked her to give examples of when she could think of when she'd seen this in me and her friend she couldn't name one. Still the conversation went on. I ended up saying "What's your excuse for having no empathy, are you a sociopath?", she asked what I meant. I said "Well you don't care about what you are saying or you do and are doing it regardless, maybe for effect". It pretty much ended that conversation. I got an apology the next day because they'd had a few drinks. They explained that they'd read some stuff on the internet, which explained a lot! 

    The internet is not a good place to look for enlightenment sometimes, there's quite a lot of rubbish floating around there's one called Heartless Aspergers that is particularly stupid. People tend to bunch together, and echo each others bullshit in places. It can seem like that's the popular opinion, but in reality most of it is like an echo chamber. Don't worry about Quora and that other site. If you look for a negative opinion on anything on the internet you'll find it if that's what you are looking for. You'll find positive stuff too if that's what you are looking for.

    Best thing we can do is just carry on being ourselves, people will base an opinion on us, not some bullshit on a wordpress site full of crap, or at best even our condition. People should always see the individual, and base their opinion on that. That's my opinion.

    Sorry to hear about your situation, I have a few people with severe mental conditions in my family. It can be draining to be around, I don't know the situation with your brother, and I wouldn't expect you to get into it. I can only hope you will be OK.

    Even though you post less frequently, I always look forward to reading your posts. You always seem full of beans, and positive. I really hope you don't leave, and that things get better. We never did start a Dacia Sandero thread!

    All my best thoughts,


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