Anti-anxiety meds


So I have always suffered with anxiety and low mood. This year I found out I am an Aspie.  Not just a little bit but a lot. 

Sometimes anxiety or sensory or both cause me to shake.  At night, like last night I wake up and I am in the foetal position rocking with anxiety.

So I am considering anti-anxiety meds. But...

1) I am worried they will change my personality for the worse and

2) as a side effect suicide is possible.

Has anyone been on these and what effects have they had. 

  • Before it was known I am autistic my GP prescribed Propanalol for anxiety. I did not start taking it because I read the leaflet and it said it could sometimes increase anxiety.

    Now I have my diagnosis I am looking into anxiety medications again. 

    I just watched an interesting webinar on research into use of Propanalol by autistic people. Worth noting that this researcher says a contra-indicator for taking this drug is depression - definitely something worth checking with a doctor:

  • I take propanalol occasionally for presentations and performances. What it does is stops the effect of adrenaline (without actually stopping the adrenaline from being released). It does work, but I get really hungry and tired afterwards. I have never tried taking it regularly, but I've thought about it. Though I wouldn't like to decrease my energy levels. In fact I think it's probably impossible to find a med that decreases anxiety but not general energy. If there is one, I'd like to try it.

  • I take propanalol occasionally for presentations and performances. What it does is stops the effect of adrenaline (without actually stopping the adrenaline from being released). It does work, but I get really hungry and tired afterwards. I have never tried taking it regularly, but I've thought about it. Though I wouldn't like to decrease my energy levels. In fact I think it's probably impossible to find a med that decreases anxiety but not general energy. If there is one, I'd like to try it.

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