Does anyone else worry and get pains?


I'm a really big worrier. Worrying is a huge part of my Autism, its caused me so much grief, especially as I've got older. I'm now 21 and it's like I've had a lifetime of worrying. In the last three years alone...

My dad was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, which looks like it's getting worse.

My mum was diagnosed with a brain tumour, we later found out it was benign.

We were involved in a car crash.

My brother had a blood clot on his lung, he is now better.

My gran passed away.

And I keep fluctuating between different states. Some days I'm happy and other days I'm really depressed and sad, and I'm unable to talk to my family about it because I don't like worrying them. I find it relaxing and soothing talking here, and also listening to music and watching Disney movies.

I just worry all the time, I can even wake up in the middle of the night worrying. And I also get stomach pains, chest pains and headaches. The pain varies between a 5 and a 7 but very rarely any higher than that. I always thought I was seriously ill but this year we took me to the doctors and they did a blood test, which resulted in me passing out outside of the doctor's and being found by a woman and her daughter - very embarrassing! Luckily it turned out that nothing was wrong with me, but the pains I get are still very uncomfortable and I don't even know what they are.

Does anybody else here worry and get pains? If you've got any good coping methods I'd love to here them.

  • Hi Fuzzy I get aches all over been tested for diabetes and all other blood disorders and nothing keep being told it’s just a virus as I type this I’m absolutely exhausted with it all 

    Got through work today just 

    How do I cope well I don’t but lying down in a dark room no music tv sometimes helps 

  • Hi Sorry for the delay in replying to you.

    I was tested for Diabetes and god knows what a while ago and everything came back negative, and I still struggle with pains nearly every day. My pains vary from the stomach, hands, chest, shoulder, back and head! Not much fun, especially when it comes to working *shudders* Disappointed

    I've taken to laying down as well, just me and peace and quiet. It does help a little.

    I hope you're having a good day today! Slight smile

  • Hi Sorry for the delay in replying to you.

    I was tested for Diabetes and god knows what a while ago and everything came back negative, and I still struggle with pains nearly every day. My pains vary from the stomach, hands, chest, shoulder, back and head! Not much fun, especially when it comes to working *shudders* Disappointed

    I've taken to laying down as well, just me and peace and quiet. It does help a little.

    I hope you're having a good day today! Slight smile

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