Does anyone else worry and get pains?


I'm a really big worrier. Worrying is a huge part of my Autism, its caused me so much grief, especially as I've got older. I'm now 21 and it's like I've had a lifetime of worrying. In the last three years alone...

My dad was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, which looks like it's getting worse.

My mum was diagnosed with a brain tumour, we later found out it was benign.

We were involved in a car crash.

My brother had a blood clot on his lung, he is now better.

My gran passed away.

And I keep fluctuating between different states. Some days I'm happy and other days I'm really depressed and sad, and I'm unable to talk to my family about it because I don't like worrying them. I find it relaxing and soothing talking here, and also listening to music and watching Disney movies.

I just worry all the time, I can even wake up in the middle of the night worrying. And I also get stomach pains, chest pains and headaches. The pain varies between a 5 and a 7 but very rarely any higher than that. I always thought I was seriously ill but this year we took me to the doctors and they did a blood test, which resulted in me passing out outside of the doctor's and being found by a woman and her daughter - very embarrassing! Luckily it turned out that nothing was wrong with me, but the pains I get are still very uncomfortable and I don't even know what they are.

Does anybody else here worry and get pains? If you've got any good coping methods I'd love to here them.

  • Just wanted to reply to this thread as fuzzy is having a difficult time right now, the aim of bringing it back to the front is for him to see there are many of us that share his issues, 

    He started this thread to see if he was alone, well judging by the replies I would say not.

    fuzzy you are not alone in how you are feeling right now. 

    I am currently experiencing terrific pains throughout my body, yes I have a lot of stress and anxiety. 

    I did mean to respond long before now but somehow forgot.

     I had a lot of ear pain when young, always had cotton wool sticking out, many trips to the doctors, nothing ever  found to be wrong, all my life I have had stomach pain, I assumed everyone had it, it changes in intensity but rarely ever stops hurting. 

    I too now realise the more stress or anxiety I have the more areas of pain and intensity I suffer.

    keep talking fuzzy, you really aren’t Aline.

     Given everything that’s happened in your life recently I think your doing very well,  you do need help, You need to reach out to the doctors, write a letter and post it. Just be strong and keep talking. ()

  • Same for me though. Have pulled muscles in my upper back and twisted my neck. Both probably due to stress, knowing there are a few weeks coming up in which everything comes down on me.

    And like I get stomach aches. They are the worst when something is stressing me out. And really bad when I physically can't get out of a situation. I had a course once that lasted two days. At the end I was in so much pain that I was sweating away.

    The next day I was at the doctor's and he prescribed all kinds of things to deal with it. 

    So it is logical you feel physically ill when there are so many things going on. But when you're in the midst of these situations you can't simply change them all at once. It takes time, however frustrating that may be.

  • Same for me though. Have pulled muscles in my upper back and twisted my neck. Both probably due to stress, knowing there are a few weeks coming up in which everything comes down on me.

    And like I get stomach aches. They are the worst when something is stressing me out. And really bad when I physically can't get out of a situation. I had a course once that lasted two days. At the end I was in so much pain that I was sweating away.

    The next day I was at the doctor's and he prescribed all kinds of things to deal with it. 

    So it is logical you feel physically ill when there are so many things going on. But when you're in the midst of these situations you can't simply change them all at once. It takes time, however frustrating that may be.

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