The exercise dilemma

Exercise may be good for you but for me it boils down to finding something I'm comfortable with, ie not too physically complex.

That leaves walking and swimming. With walking I have a limited area I'll walk in . Longest distance is just under 1000 steps there and back. It's the walk to the cafe where I'll have something to eat and drink so I'm probably piling on more from food than I'm taking off via exercise.

I've tried doing the active 10 x3 (1000 steps in 10 minutes) by pacing indoors and it's as mind numbingly boring as can be.

That leaves swimming. I'd need someone to take me to the swimming baths . It's not something I can just up and do.

I used to have an exercise bike but got disillusioned with that when I was putting on weight using it rather than losing.
Have considered a simple step machine but am clueless as to what to buy.

  • Walking indoors doesn’t have to be boring. Leslie Sansone’s Walk at Home is good. She builds in stretches and aerobic type exercise but keeps it simple and you just do what you can. There are warm ups and cool downs. If you subscribe you get emails too. Similar with YogaJp and am sure lots of other YouTube, podcasts or websites. Chair yoga or Pilates, tai chi, a range of all sorts. Maybe an actual bike/trike depending on stability if you haven’t got one , it’s amazing what’s of the local freecycle etc Also some local authorities are very good and offer disability sports to tap into; some are outdoors if you don’t like sports centres but I find it’s a postcode lottery thing again where one authority has a good range and the next door authority has barely anything.  Worth checking out to see if anything appeals to you. 

  • This sounds very helpful - I injured my ankle doing too much walking and now I have to gradually increase activity levels.

    If I had done warm ups and taken things more steadily in the first place my ankle would probably be OK. 

  • This sounds very helpful - I injured my ankle doing too much walking and now I have to gradually increase activity levels.

    If I had done warm ups and taken things more steadily in the first place my ankle would probably be OK. 

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