The exercise dilemma

Exercise may be good for you but for me it boils down to finding something I'm comfortable with, ie not too physically complex.

That leaves walking and swimming. With walking I have a limited area I'll walk in . Longest distance is just under 1000 steps there and back. It's the walk to the cafe where I'll have something to eat and drink so I'm probably piling on more from food than I'm taking off via exercise.

I've tried doing the active 10 x3 (1000 steps in 10 minutes) by pacing indoors and it's as mind numbingly boring as can be.

That leaves swimming. I'd need someone to take me to the swimming baths . It's not something I can just up and do.

I used to have an exercise bike but got disillusioned with that when I was putting on weight using it rather than losing.
Have considered a simple step machine but am clueless as to what to buy.

  • Exercise by pacing indoors!!!  That must be boring.

    My main form of exercise is walking to the local shops every day.  This is the minimum.  The problem is... I end up spending money that I can't afford.

    I also enjoy walking through the woods and taking photographs.  Walking uphill is where the body uses up energy and I loses weight.

    For really challenging walks I join a walking group.  I'm thinking of this walk tomorrow, if it's not too cold or windy.

  • I'm prepared for tomorrow's walk.

    It's nice to walk with a group.  And safer.

    A few photos from my latest walks

    As long as the weather is ok.  I want it to be dry.  The legs get a lot of exercise. And the lungs some fresh air.

    I don't understand indoor exercise/walking or gyms.

  • Did you go walking today as planned? If so did you take any photos?

    We woke up to heavy snowfall which settled for a while before melting. Not sure how widespread this was. 

    I am looking forward to going walking again soon. I injured my ankle by increasing activity levels too quickly. Taking a while to recover. Lesson learnt! 

  • Did you go walking today as planned? If so did you take any photos?

    We woke up to heavy snowfall which settled for a while before melting. Not sure how widespread this was. 

    I am looking forward to going walking again soon. I injured my ankle by increasing activity levels too quickly. Taking a while to recover. Lesson learnt! 
