Today's blog

Burnt my breakfast this morning because I was admiring the new look of this website.

Now,  of to the job search club at the local mental centre.  Taking 4 versions of my CV with me.

  • I attended a 3 hour stress workshop at my local Mind headquarters.   It covered the basics of what is stress, it's symptoms, causes etc.

    And finally how to deal with stress and relaxation techniques.  Very little was new since I'm doing most of what they suggested.

    One embarrassing moment.  They were teaching breathing exercises, keeping our eyes closed. And.... I dozed off and woke up in the middle of a nightmare.  My insomnia causes me to fall asleep in the afternoon everywhere, buses, trains, training courses.   

  • A bit more about the workshop.  We had group activities filling in the 'stressbucket'

    And advice on how to relax. Handouts of patterns to fill in with coloured pencils.

  • (...Um, Greetings, Sir... I have been voting up your posts here so far today, but I am not sure about voting up THAT lot (--- especially the colouring-in picture)... I also said nothing so far because I was uncertain of WHAT to say. All I can do is to keep offering "Good Fortune" for your good self... (*sniffle*) ... Keep on keeping Your Own Strength no matter what, basically...)

  • I agree to the social recluse thing. 

    I actually like being a social recluse and have no intention to change it at present. Keeps things calm and quiet and it's a lot less stressful!

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