About the "How are you?" question

What do you think about the "How are you?" question?

I, personally, do not like this question and I have never liked it.

I do not know what to answer.

Also, a lot of the time, I think it is expected just to give a positive answer, but I often feel awful to say "Fine!" simply to be polite if I am not fine. 

  • I've always struggled with that question. For some reason it throws me and i never know what to say. And i almost never remember to ask it back, which must make me seem very rude and self-centred. I prefer people to just start on a topic straight after 'hello'!

  • I've always struggled with that question. For some reason it throws me and i never know what to say. And i almost never remember to ask it back, which must make me seem very rude and self-centred. I prefer people to just start on a topic straight after 'hello'!
