About the "How are you?" question

What do you think about the "How are you?" question?

I, personally, do not like this question and I have never liked it.

I do not know what to answer.

Also, a lot of the time, I think it is expected just to give a positive answer, but I often feel awful to say "Fine!" simply to be polite if I am not fine. 

  • I'd be fine with the "How are you?" Questions, if people were expecting an answer other than "Yeah im good." or "I'm fine." ...

    I feel like if I could say "Yeah, i'm doing really good, I did this today, and it was good because... (Enter explanation.)" 
    "No, I feel really crappy because.. (Enter explanation)" 

    But people don't want that, they want a short precise pointless answer, that half the time doesn't portray how I fully feel. Then the missed information I didn't give will circle in my head all day.

    I also find a lot of the time, when I'm feeling bad and answering "How are you?" with "I'm pretty ***." People hate that awkward feeling of not knowing what to say, but I don't think they realise that I'm like that in every single damn conversation. 

    Sorry for the rant, this sort of thing is really aggravating for me.

  • I'd be fine with the "How are you?" Questions, if people were expecting an answer other than "Yeah im good." or "I'm fine." ...

    I feel like if I could say "Yeah, i'm doing really good, I did this today, and it was good because... (Enter explanation.)" 
    "No, I feel really crappy because.. (Enter explanation)" 

    But people don't want that, they want a short precise pointless answer, that half the time doesn't portray how I fully feel. Then the missed information I didn't give will circle in my head all day.

    I also find a lot of the time, when I'm feeling bad and answering "How are you?" with "I'm pretty ***." People hate that awkward feeling of not knowing what to say, but I don't think they realise that I'm like that in every single damn conversation. 

    Sorry for the rant, this sort of thing is really aggravating for me.

  • I also find a lot of the time, when I'm feeling bad and answering "How are you?" with "I'm pretty ***." People hate that awkward feeling of not knowing what to say, but I don't think they realise that I'm like that in every single damn conversation. 

    Lol.... I do that... give them an honest reply... and when they are stood there, cogs turning and not knowing how to reply....then my chance to exit, stage left...

    there is the expectation to say, “yes I’m fine, thank you”.... but we live in a society where many people are not! It is an innocent greeting to demonstrate no ill will...I.e. I mean no harm, is it safe to approach... a learned script..

    anyhow... “lovely weather we’ve been having”.