Chris Packham: Asperger's and Me 9pm BBC 2 12/10/2017

Anyone going to watch / discuss?  Looks interesting though I expect lack of empathy may be going to be applied like a blanket as usual and the Radio Times mentions 'cures' !!

  • I am a recently self-diagnosed 46-year-old woman (with professional assessment coming up soon - I decided to bite the bullet and go for a diagnosis) and totally agree, Elephant. If there was more about Aspie women in the mainstream press, I would have twigged a LOT sooner. As it was I read an article on BBC I think about a lady diagnosed in her 40s and though it could have been written about me. Then followed obsessive internet research on female Aspergers ..... another "oh" and a lot of lightbulb moments. Basically it explains what I thought was a whole tangled heap of weirdness, with a single answer. Then I asked my mother about my early years and she knew right away why I was asking. My grandad had Aspergers and she said yes, she thought it very likely that I do too.

    What is interesting is that she watched the Chris Packham program, and has now  a) decided that I can't have Asperger's because I don't live on my own in the middle of the woods (I would love to live in his house btw, but no way I could ever afford to!) and b) come out with "you do know it's autism, right?"

    So she clearly doesnt get that it's different in different people. And I think she has fallen victim to the Aspie = Sherlock Holmes, Autistic = Rain Man school of thought.

    I don't actually mind finding out that I am autistic if it explains to me who I am!

  • Got ny nt other half to watch it..”that’s like you” he said......i’ve Been trying to tell him about my ASD since the start of summer...

    i totally get your frustration...haven’t told any of my family.....yet

    i’m 42 and your message so eloquently expressses my recent journey! X

  • Scratch that I HAVE been telling him! Lol

Reply Children
  • Get you deviant nerd chick! Tea cakes and java! 

    The women tend to be the best programmers but lack self confidence and face discrimination. They got coders to submit code anonymously last year so...gender less code....the women won X lol but ...but maybe it was the ASD that swung it? 

  • My OH knew all along and my Dad knew (he is a medic) but my Mum never did but they are of the age when you were just got on with it. My best mate at work is a female css genius and is probably borderline and one of the few who understands me,

    There aren't many lady programmers which is an odd thing given what happened a Bletchley Park. It nothing to do with apititude.

    Mind you she is in tea room crowd which I find far too daunting. Too many voices, Not helped by me destroying my ears being in bands though

  • BTW my gut feeling is that  my OH is not really all that NT either, maybe that makes a difference

  • Some people will just say "well that's the non-surprise of the century" and some will want not to believe it because it makes them uncomfortable. I did wonder whether my OH would be in the latter camp, but when I told him he just shrugged and said "well, you're still you", which was nice. 

    I wonder what my dad will say. He doesn't know yet.

    Funny that you are a programmer too! There aren't so many of us lady programmers about (bet >half of us are aspies though - Lol)