What is your personality type?

Handi-andis raised this on another thread and I thought it might be interesting to see if we all have radically different personality types, or very similar ones.

You can take the test at 16personalities.com, it's a free online test and will tell you at the end what your personality type is, and give you some descriptions of how people similar to you think and behave. You don't have to pay for the Premium version.

I did the test before I discovered I had autism, and when I did some training on autism discovered that my personality type and the description of how autism affects people to be very similar. My wife also found it really useful (for herself and for me). I find my personality type is very descriptive of me.

As well as finding out what you're good at, you find out what types of thing you struggle with, so that you can understand yourself better. It helped me see what my brain was good at processing, and what my brain isn't good at processing, so I can make sure I excel with my strengths and then get other people to do the things I struggle with Smiley

Post your type here if you'd like to take part.

I got INTJ - The Architect. I'd be interested in finding out yours!

  • Im an ENFJ. Ive never met or heard of another autistic ENFJ before. MBTI is my special interest, I know a lot about it. Since 16Personalities isn't an official test to figure out your type, and MBTI is as much about functions as i vs e, n vs s, etc., it's really easy to mistype. Ive even gotten INTJ before on an unofficial online test.

  • Intj. Both my significant other and myself took the test on my behalf. Intj even when I rethought through the test for a second attempt. My significant other had no doubts. I have questions about how this test works and it's accuracy in gaging a personality through the questions asked. But it was kinda interesting reading things that were applicable to myself. 

  • Some people are sceptical about the Myers-Briggs personality test for example,  "Debunking the Myers-Briggs personality test":

  • Ditto. Autism to me was always a stereotype but since I now understand we can be of all different types it now makes sense that I am how I am not just because I’m INTJ. I actually get anxiety from changing  plans and meeting new people. I think NT INTJs just get annoyed. I’ve taken several but mostly come out as INTJ-T Occasionally I get INFJ-T which I now believe is when I had a depression episode. 

  • I’m another INTJ Architect. I also took the test some years ago before I knowing I was autistic and took it again recently to see if I’d get the same result, which I did. 

  • i only got 96% introverted lol
    61% intuitive
    71% thinking
    only 51% prospecting 
    81% turbulent

  • 'Architect INTJ-T', for me - and 100% introverted, which seems about right.
  • wow and near enough most other people here are INTP-T too lol very generic....

  • Your personality type is:

    yeah kinda makes sense, i try to see everything logically.
    the descriptions kinda fit me too and how i think. but yeah its probably very generic and easy to do that, much like a horrorscope thing is made to make anyone reading feel its totally directed at them.
  • I usually come out INTJ. sometimes INFJ if I begin to get anxiety about poor social relations

  • ISTP-T but the S and T were 49/51 so not sure how meaningful it is. I'm 100% introvert though..... which sounds about right

  • I got Virtuoso ISTP-T and I am an Engineer which is a common career for an Aspie apparently?? 

  • I'm ISFJ, (T) - Defender personality type, the same as Sam Gamgee - I am okay with this :D

  • my therapist tasked me with doing the full 93 question MBTI for my next session

    My result was INTJ, Apparently its rare in females? (i am female)

    Plan is to discuss the results in next weeks session, but from what ive read it seems very close to the mark

    Edit:i just did the 16 personalities version and scored INTJ-T

  • I got the ISFP-T (the Adventurer) personality type when i did it before when a family member sent it in a group chat im in

  • I got defender personality (isfj, -a/-t) 

  • I like this it looks like I'm in the majority for a change!

  • INFJ, Thank God for discovering the autistic spectrum, I was starting to think I was some sort of mutant! Now I know I'm different but so are others.

  • .... are you looking at breaking this down by gender as well??

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