What is your personality type?

Handi-andis raised this on another thread and I thought it might be interesting to see if we all have radically different personality types, or very similar ones.

You can take the test at 16personalities.com, it's a free online test and will tell you at the end what your personality type is, and give you some descriptions of how people similar to you think and behave. You don't have to pay for the Premium version.

I did the test before I discovered I had autism, and when I did some training on autism discovered that my personality type and the description of how autism affects people to be very similar. My wife also found it really useful (for herself and for me). I find my personality type is very descriptive of me.

As well as finding out what you're good at, you find out what types of thing you struggle with, so that you can understand yourself better. It helped me see what my brain was good at processing, and what my brain isn't good at processing, so I can make sure I excel with my strengths and then get other people to do the things I struggle with Smiley

Post your type here if you'd like to take part.

I got INTJ - The Architect. I'd be interested in finding out yours!

  • MBTI is meant for understanding people's different strengths. It can be used in workplaces, but shouldn't be used to allocate jobs to people - it's just that certain jobs statistically are associated with particular types. MBTI has more evidence behind it than graphology or enneagrams, but is still seen as inferior to the 'Big 5' personality test by random people I mention it too - and yet, the two are basically equivalent, it's just MBTI is handy and simpler.

  • I have heard they do a lot of pychometirc tests. Where I am, graphology has been popular too. The Japanese place a lot of store by your blood type. One Austrian company goes by astrological sign. There is a lot of it about. 

  • If only employers ran tests like this

    Uh, I think you'll find that many do...?

  • ...Landau and Boba Fett, and Finn and Rey as well, please...?

  • As this Thread pops up again, I thought I might have a go...

    I got this:


    ...I was <> 50/50 at everything, but about 70% introverted. 

    If only employers ran tests like this... (and realised that ND means less likely to LIE, too...) ...Oh well.

  • I got INFJ-T, Advocate. I haven't read all the information yet, but it looks fairly accurate, except the bit about "finding it easy to make connections with others". Maybe I just need to find the right "others".

  • No doubt it will cause a rift in the time-space continuum

  • I got this:


    INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the INFP personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.

    The Mediator

    Not sure what the T is.

  • Wow, an Extravert! Introverts are the minority among typical people, and extraverts I'm pretty sure are the minority among autistic people. (Yes, that's an 'a' in extravert in the context of Myers-Briggs Type Indicators.) 

    I had the MBTI administered by someone trained, and 'am' definitely INTP, or as I'd put it iNtP. I'm not that introverted, but my openness and spontaneity (or low 'conscientiousness') are quite marked.

    One INTP answers the claim that autism is just INTP or INTJ to an extreme:
    I'd recommend that site for the cartoons and stories, and it has well-researched guides to INTP and INTJ personality types.

    Here are some other variations of the test, avoiding copyright infringement of MBTI in various ways:

    I believe the -A or -T suffix stands for 'Assertive' or 'Turbulent' and is the way 16Personalities tries to express the fifth dimension of the 'Big 5' personality test which is called 'neuroticism-stability'. The main MBTI doesn't include this, I think wisely, because it is rather judgemental and I think more dependent on social circumstances than the other personality characteristics.

    One good thing about MBTI is that none of the 16 types is 'better' than any other, your personality is seen as your natural choice and preference, there's a natural recognition of diversity and it has rules that means it should never be abused to discriminate in terms of employment and so on.

  • I seem to be an ENTJ-T, not clear what the -T means or, without coughing up, how autistic I am. Notwithstanding, the ENTJ profile fits me like a glove. This is a revelation!

  • Former Member
    Former Member

    Love this thread!

    Mine is:

    Advocate (INFJ-A)


    "Advocates indeed share a unique combination of traits: though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain – Advocates will act with creativity, imagination, conviction and sensitivity not to create advantage, but to create balance. Egalitarianism and karma are very attractive ideas to Advocates, and they tend to believe that nothing would help the world so much as using love and compassion to soften the hearts of tyrants."

    Advocates find it easy to make connections with others, and have a talent for warm, sensitive language, speaking in human terms, rather than with pure logic and fact. It makes sense that their friends and colleagues will come to think of them as quiet Extraverted types, but they would all do well to remember that Advocates need time alone to decompress and recharge, and to not become too alarmed when they suddenly withdraw. Advocates take great care of other’s feelings, and they expect the favour to be returned – sometimes that means giving them the space they need for a few days."

    Come on guys, spread the love and compassion - we 'Advocates' really need you to.  

    I'm now off to 'decompress and recharge'...don't 'become too alarmed,' okay? ha ha. Smiley

  • I'm like the Queen apparently :/

  • INTJ-T. Interesting and having read through the whole description it does sum me up pretty accurately. My career peak was as a Project Manager, I hate people who get on through social skills not expertise and I prefer to work on my own.

    Does this mean I am not autistic after all?  The reactions I have had from people around me and my experiences with mental health issues tell me there is still a high probability I have mild HF autism/Aspergers. I may be part of a small group of Architects but maybe most HF ASC people are Architects?

  • Misfit61 said:

    Yes I have that problem with questionnaires too. I had difficulties with Some of the assessment ones for that reason. 

    When I did the A.Q. '50' Test, the first question ~ I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own ~ kind of threw me whereas if it said 'other people' I could have easily marked that I prefer to be on own more often than not. There were about five questions that needed to be contextualised.  

  • Spotty Tortoise said:

    I like your car parking analogy, it would make a lot of sense.  One of the questions was something like 'in a debate is it more important to you to get at the truth or make sure no one is offended', kind of both and neither to me!

    I find that when people use the term debate they do not mean a discussion for mutual consensus, but more instead an argument for 'or else' against something, or more often actually just a plain dispute.

    If people actually had debates to refine propositions together ~ there is the rule of 'No Dis(respect)' first and foremost anyway, so offence should not be the case as such. 

  • Former Member
    Former Member in reply to Spotty Tortoise

    Yes I have that problem with questionnaires too. I had difficulties with Some of the assessment ones for that reason. 

  • That's exactly it Deepthought, it all depends on context and here there is none.  It's all very interesting though, I've never really looked into personality consciously think I just had my head down trying to survive but now that's not working so it's good to have avenues to explore.

    I like your car parking analogy, it would make a lot of sense.  One of the questions was something like 'in a debate is it more important to you to get at the truth or make sure no one is offended', kind of both and neither to me!

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