Decision making

How do you make a decision?

It seems like a simple question, but I have spent my entire life not knowing how.

If I am asked "what would you like to do today?" I always respond with "I don't mind."

This has caused people to get annoyed with me at times as they always seem to decide for me and I get frustrated at nott being able to make a choice.

It is like my brain becomes a fog of possibilities, both realistic and ridiculous, and I find it almost impossible to focus on any one of them.

It is especially difficult if I have to make a decision when I am on my own and have no one to bounce an idea off as I will over analyse to the point that I end up either doing nothing or making a poor decision because I have talked myself out of the sensible choice. Sometimes I am even aware that I might be making a mistake but carry on regardless, as it feels almost like a compulsion.

So, does anyone have any useful strategies to help them make decisions and to make the "what would you like to do?" question not feel like it has no answer.

  • I can see this thread is a little old, but I wanted to say that I totally understand how decision-making can be a real challenge sometimes. It's not always easy to narrow down the possibilities and choose one option. When faced with the question of what you'd like to do, it's normal to feel unsure or go with the flow. However, I wanted to share something that has been helping me recently. I recently came across a great coin flip simulator at [link removed by Moderator]. It might sound simple, but it's actually quite helpful when you're in moments of strong doubt. You can use it to simulate a coin flip and let chance make the decision for you. It adds a fun element to the process and takes some of the pressure off.

  • I can see this thread is a little old, but I wanted to say that I totally understand how decision-making can be a real challenge sometimes. It's not always easy to narrow down the possibilities and choose one option. When faced with the question of what you'd like to do, it's normal to feel unsure or go with the flow. However, I wanted to share something that has been helping me recently. I recently came across a great coin flip simulator at [link removed by Moderator]. It might sound simple, but it's actually quite helpful when you're in moments of strong doubt. You can use it to simulate a coin flip and let chance make the decision for you. It adds a fun element to the process and takes some of the pressure off.

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