Time Out

Hi folks,

I'm starting to feel that I'm here more than is good for myself or for anyone else.  I'm naturally tending to repeat myself (I do that a lot) and I'm getting a little obsessed with some threads -  and with that leader board, which seems to be telling me I'm here far too much!

I'm going to take a break for a while.  I wish you all well.  It's a great little community.  No place anywhere else like it.

See you a bit later on.

All the best,


  • Hi Former Member and all community users, 

    Thank you for your contribution to the community. We hope to have you back very soon!

    Please note that if there is anything that you would like to change about the community - such as the leaderboard - we are always here to listen to ways to update the community so that it the best community for its members. 

    If any members have any concerns or worries about anything related to the community then you can contact us on: community.manager@nas.org.uk

    Thank you to all those that have made the community a wonderful place to moderate. 

  • It is reassuring to know that there is a protective umbrella out there.  I am wary of saying much in case I get jumped on by the committer of the abuse, I presume she can still say what she likes where she likes?

  • It is a good protective umbrella.....and I'm glad you're looking out for us. Thank you for also thanking Tom for his contributions and hope that you monitor those that may be abused or be vulnerable due to being too over empathic and might get swamped

  • Hi Tom

    not sure if you are aware...but Spotty and I have requested to one of the moderators for the removal of the leader board. We don't see what benefit it has....and there is no explanation to current or new members re. What it means...the term "site leaders"......is also maybe not the right term.

    take care

  • Hi Spotty.  Don't worry.  I was sure that wasn't what you meant.  I just used it to highlight what I felt.  Sorry for giving that impression to you.  I'm really grateful to everyone on here, and am touched to read your kind comments.  I had a bit of a rough day yesterday - it's a combination of things with waiting for this new job to start, plus some emotional sediment stirred up by this book I'm writing about mum - and I drank a bit too much last night, which didn't help.  Once you get into that spiral....

    I'm just a little tired of my own voice at the moment, which is why I want to take a bit of a break.  I want to focus on this writing I'm doing as the time I have left for it is dwindling, and once I start work it'll take a big hit.  I'll look in from time to time... but I'll be happy to see my name off that leader board!

    Take care everyone - and thanks again. 

    I'll be around, if not fully engaged.

    Tom x

  • Martian Tom said:
    Yes, I'm sorry folks.  I realise that me putting my big nose in stirred things up in the wrong way.  Please take care, all.  I'll come back when I feel ready.   A break is good, though.


    I was in the process of getting myself into the position you got in, which basically means you took the hit for the team. The abuse was already on the role before that thread of doom got started, and it was only a matter of time before the proverbial stuff hit the fan anyway, or in other words the grand piano was already falling from the proverbial sky scraper anyhow.

    You about as much stirred that heady state of affairs up as anyone with a kitchen ladle can claim to have stirred up a hurricane after it had started.

    Hope you feel better well soon,

    Have a good one,

    and many many more.


  • You are not rubbish at people, or on here.  This person was out of order and I am not convinced genuine.  We care about you Misfit.

  • I'm heart hurt if you took what I said the wrong way and I know that you need a break so I'm even sadder that you may not ever read this.  Your opinions matter to us, they count, you are one of the measured voices with a distance from your diagnosis and some perspective and a real life.  I didn't mean that you waded in unneeded or unwanted, I thought your wise voice had made a dent in the unreasonable and others felt stronger because of your presence and more empowered to contribute.  I feel guilty now for not taking some of the heat. You have only ever made posts more interesting and open as far as I can see and I apologise unreservedly if what I said made you feel like any of it was your fault.  It was not.

    I miss your presence already too but I understand that you need to do whatever you need to do.  You didn't  put your big nose in, it was requested and needed and gratefully recieved.  I have never seen you repeat yourself when it wasn't required, as in a new thread with someone who may not have seen anything previous; that is the nature of a forum, new people, restating the landscape, it's all good, please come back soon, when you are happy to.

  • Spotty Tortoise said:
    Hi I saw you were trying to reply to environment thread, it has been shut down as abusive I'm afraid.

    Yeah, spilled over from the 'autistic and you thinking you are on the spectrum' post, as which spilled over from the 'Totem of Abuse' leader board and all that.

  • Sorry...I am either being very dim or very paranoid 

  • Feel safe lovely...we are just a big net for each other 

  • Who are you upset by? Dare I ask?

  • Thanks Ditto re Tom. I'm just so very very sorry everyone. I just seemed to keep digging myself further into a hole whilst trying to understand and support someone else's point of view whilst trying to explain my own. I don't understand how it escalated like it did. I hope the other person involved is ok she must be having a tough time at the moment.   But as one of you said in another post it just made me feel I am useless on here too and really rubbish with people. It has made me feel unsafe on here. Thank you everyone who have sent msg of support. 

  • Dear tom I have come to find your thoughts and wisdom extremely comforting, I hope you return soon,rest if you need to but this is a sad day.

    misfit61 or missy61 as I choose to call you ha ha, I feel for you,I always try to see both sides of any comments but seriously what was said to you was in no way justified, I am extremely upset by the comments aimed directly at you. I keep trying to think"could there be an underlying problem we have missed with someone? Maybe they need Help? We all helped as much as we could giving reassurance and understanding but it keeps going back to the same old thing,"prove you are" . Maybe that individual is in a bad place and is blaming their diagnosis for being so down, I am trying to get a point across but getting it wrong blah.

    anyway enough waffle like the rules say,be nice to each other.hope I haven't upset anyone as with my ramblings but I am a bit upset by one certain person! Take care all.

  • Hey Mr T....that is just silly....you are hugely valued here it has just been a very tumultuous couple of days... your absence is greatly felt already.

    is the quote the straw that broke the camels back. I am sure it was not meantbthe way thst you took it. Miss you loads and look after yourself.... x

    What a terrible thing

  • Spotty Tortoise said:
    At around the point where Tom waded in it seemed like there was progress, then all this crap,

    Yes, I'm sorry folks.  I realise that me putting my big nose in stirred things up in the wrong way.  Please take care, all.  I'll come back when I feel ready.   A break is good, though.


  • Hi I saw you were trying to reply to environment thread, it has been shut down as abusive I'm afraid.

  • And you...hang in there....good to hear from you today, as always x

  • I do hope Tom will come back, it won't be the same without him, however you mustn't blame yourself.  He wouldn't have said anything if he didn't feel it needed saying I don't think. Let's hope he just needs a break. It is scary how quickly the bonds of trust can come apart because of one seemingly malicious apple. Have a peaceful evening.

  • I do hope Tom will come back, it won't be the same without him, however you mustn't blame yourself.  He wouldn't have said anything if he didn't feel it needed saying I don't think. Let's hope he just needs a break. It is scary how quickly the bonds of trust can come apart because of one seemingly malicious apple. Have a peaceful evening.
