Time Out

Hi folks,

I'm starting to feel that I'm here more than is good for myself or for anyone else.  I'm naturally tending to repeat myself (I do that a lot) and I'm getting a little obsessed with some threads -  and with that leader board, which seems to be telling me I'm here far too much!

I'm going to take a break for a while.  I wish you all well.  It's a great little community.  No place anywhere else like it.

See you a bit later on.

All the best,


  • Hi Former Member and all community users, 

    Thank you for your contribution to the community. We hope to have you back very soon!

    Please note that if there is anything that you would like to change about the community - such as the leaderboard - we are always here to listen to ways to update the community so that it the best community for its members. 

    If any members have any concerns or worries about anything related to the community then you can contact us on: community.manager@nas.org.uk

    Thank you to all those that have made the community a wonderful place to moderate. 

  • Hi Former Member and all community users, 

    Thank you for your contribution to the community. We hope to have you back very soon!

    Please note that if there is anything that you would like to change about the community - such as the leaderboard - we are always here to listen to ways to update the community so that it the best community for its members. 

    If any members have any concerns or worries about anything related to the community then you can contact us on: community.manager@nas.org.uk

    Thank you to all those that have made the community a wonderful place to moderate. 

  • I would like to lose the leaderboard too. I don't need rewards 

    I would like a separate page where we could put useful links all in one place, recommendations, websites, books videos etc

    Instead of a leaderboard. I would like a list of names of contributors ( our usernames not real ones) but not on the front page just somewhere for reference. Listed with current contributors at the top. (I have trouble remembering names.) 

    a few instructions would be good also I haven't a clue how to use any of the long list on the profiles page (groups friends mentions etc)  

    just ideas

  • It is reassuring to know that there is a protective umbrella out there.  I am wary of saying much in case I get jumped on by the committer of the abuse, I presume she can still say what she likes where she likes?

  • Can we lose the leaderboard as I am sure what purpose it is trying to serve?