What keeps you fighting?

What keeps you going? Limited friends and the day to day can be tiring..,.,,

What keeps you going, what makes you smile and gives you hope?, what makes you laugh and gives you the motivation to get out of bed in the morning?

Another silly thread of mine, but I've had a tough day...looking for inspiration guys....dig deep people..

  • Ok girls ... whilst waiting what's your 3 good things today? The sun was shining and blue sky and the most amazing sky on the way home. I had a nice walk which included a bit I hadn't done before. My sister had bought a small packet of Thornton chocolates and we had one tonight. 4 I got to talk to you guys again today

  • 1 beautiful day

    2 Spotty dog was good when I took him out this morning

    3 I let David Sylvian through my armour and had to feel something about me

    4 You guys being there over this upsetting interlude.

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