What keeps you fighting?

What keeps you going? Limited friends and the day to day can be tiring..,.,,

What keeps you going, what makes you smile and gives you hope?, what makes you laugh and gives you the motivation to get out of bed in the morning?

Another silly thread of mine, but I've had a tough day...looking for inspiration guys....dig deep people..

  • Days like this, I know what keeps me fighting.  The same thing that almost makes me give up.  Global injustice.  Racist killings in Charlottesville.  The provocation and seeming legitimisation of racism and homophobia by mainstream politicians and the gutter press.  A crazy man who is, nominally, the most powerful man on earth.  Sick, disabled and unemployed people in this country being treated like they're the ones responsible for all society's woes - not the people at the top who got us into the mess in the first place with their reckless gambling.

    And now we have the big nuclear d**k-swinging contest between Trump and Kim Jong-un.

    I saw a trailer last night for the new film 'The Sense of an Ending'.  At the end of the trailer were the words 'Coming Soon'.

    How prophetic, I thought.

    As Hegel said: The only thing we learn from history is that we never learn from history.

  • Martian Tom said:
    As Hegel said: The only thing we learn from history is that we never learn from history.

    Can we also say the same about our selves.....are we destined, due to our hard wiring, to repeat the same mistakes, find ourselves in the same situations, facing the same decisions...

    We are living in scary and troubling times ....there is allot of uncertainty as we don't know where we are heading or what the final destination will be.

    good morning Mr T.

  • I am a good example of repeating mistakes and not learning from them so unfortunately find this is so for me. But maybe now we know why we are like we are we may have a chance to change that. I do hope so. Otherwise the future is even more scary. I will continue with one day at a time... 

  • Thanks, Misfit!  I'm not very good at speaking up for myself.  But at least, where I'm going to work soon, they specialise in autism - so there should be much greater understanding.  They have an on-site behavioural therapist, too.

    I'm glad to say my days with the 'If you shout loud enough, they'll soon take notice' school of 'care' are far behind me.

  • Thanks, Misfit!  I'm not very good at speaking up for myself.  But at least, where I'm going to work soon, they specialise in autism - so there should be much greater understanding.  They have an on-site behavioural therapist, too.

    I'm glad to say my days with the 'If you shout loud enough, they'll soon take notice' school of 'care' are far behind me.

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