What keeps you fighting?

What keeps you going? Limited friends and the day to day can be tiring..,.,,

What keeps you going, what makes you smile and gives you hope?, what makes you laugh and gives you the motivation to get out of bed in the morning?

Another silly thread of mine, but I've had a tough day...looking for inspiration guys....dig deep people..

  • Nothing anymmore. 

    I'm waiting for blissful death. 

  • Aw no :( is there nothing at all that makes you happy?

  • Not really. Everything I thought I 'enjoyed' I always had to psyche myself up for to even bother. So I decided recently I'm not going to psych myself up anymore. 

  • do a REORG

    its an army thing when u in disarray and the enemy has overrun your position

    you shout REORG REORG

    then you reorganise

    make notes on your situation  ---- this is called the SITREP

    then have a break and decide what youre going to do next

    bear in mind the "Art of Doing Nothing" ( look it up ) which means u can just do nothing at all for a period of time but reread the SITREP again

    see if that helps

    I know you are multi-disabled so also cut yourself a bit of slack because i have always considered you to be a very gutsy person indeed and you are excelling and punching a way "over your weight"  put that in your SITREP 

    I am sure u will be up to something again soon but come back in here if u are feeling down

  • do a REORG

    its an army thing when u in disarray and the enemy has overrun your position

    you shout REORG REORG

    then you reorganise

    make notes on your situation  ---- this is called the SITREP

    then have a break and decide what youre going to do next

    bear in mind the "Art of Doing Nothing" ( look it up ) which means u can just do nothing at all for a period of time but reread the SITREP again

    see if that helps

    I know you are multi-disabled so also cut yourself a bit of slack because i have always considered you to be a very gutsy person indeed and you are excelling and punching a way "over your weight"  put that in your SITREP 

    I am sure u will be up to something again soon but come back in here if u are feeling down

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