20170730 - ASD women

Hi all, as mentioned in the long ASD women thread we will try a daily new thread to help avoid people and ideas getting lost.

Welcome all women with ASD self diagnosis or diagnosed is OK!

  • I am been diagnosed since January and I am being treated badly bye local nas branch .

  • Nooooooooooooooo! Why are you going....?

  • Hello Elephant. Don't want to upset caretwo by going off topic so moved to here. Not really. Bit jaded by what's happening at home and on here. Not feeling like I fit anywhere. Think perhaps it's me that needs to leave the forum until Im feeling more able to  learn the ropes on here and until I'm feeling more positive. 

  • And bizarrely just had a dragonfly fly through the garden! Didn't catch a photo tho

  • We would have been concerned and alway we share your sense of justice and fairness.

    give the GP a stroke from me.....on first reading I though you had your doctor on your lap!!!

    jealous of your sweet peas! 

  • Thank you Elephant. Yes you are right we wouldn't be here if we didn't want some sort of connection with others and things go awry from time to time.  I'll get through this low patch. I won't join any new threads in the next few days but will leave some notifications on so I am contactable.  I have gp on my lap as I write so I have company and the doors open looking out onto the garden with the sun shining and can see some sweet peas in flower. 

    Thanks to all of you who have tried valiantly to help me and apologise to those I have irked. 

    Why couldn't I just stop writing and keep quiet for a while if that's what I need to do.. why because I know you good people would be concerned and I don't want you to worry for which I thank you.

  • You have belief in me as an Elephant, and that means a lot 

  • I totally agree with Spotty's sentiment and you are a great online friend and I really enjoy our chats. You have been incredibly accepting and supportive of me and you come across as very selfless and caring.

    you have been in the wrong place at the wrong time on occasion and DeepThought statements are right...in that put a bunch of people on the spectrum with all or communication and perception issues, as well as our own difficulties and on occasion things can go awry. X 

  • Thank you Spotty . It's uncomfortable getting myself into a position where you lovely people feel you need to step in. Not only do I upset the person concerned and myself but also everyone else reading. I have been struggling for a while, then my brother and I are not getting on ( he resistant to my diagnosis) the friends I do have seem to be slipping away, then in one fell swoop I was told I had to have a Pip apt, my Housing officer has resigned and my Welfare Rights lady promoted. So all my safety nets failed on the same day. So I'm too sensitive at the moment. I am feeling a bit wo is me which isn't positive for everyone else and I can't be autism specific. I'll maybe just leave it til I've got the dreaded Pip thing out of the way. Not looking forward to finding new support and feel embarrassed and ashamed that I need to . Perhaps if I get those things sorted I will feel more confident at not stamping my size 9's everywhere or more able to manage when I do . The threads that have gone well have been a huge support, interesting, fun and I am on the whole enjoying meeting you . You are all great people. 

  • Misfit, please believe that enough of us have said that there is no perceptible reason for you to be picked on that it might be true. I think you've been in the wrong place at the wrong time. You are sweet and sympathetic and maybe that does make you a target, I don't understand it. I want to ask you not to go but if you really feel you want to I don't want to make you feel bad. We can still help each otner, honestly  believe that. We care about you. x

  • Thank you Lonewarrior that's very kind of you 

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