I just wanted to let everyone know, that my GP has informed me that they have the request for funding in the bag. They have requested a referral date for the assessments to begin. I will use this thread to keep you all informed. I don't what else to say right now. I think that it will inspire me to write more poetry though. H. 

  • This was written some years ago, I believe, I still think it is an interesting read, considering all that has transpired since then.

    Reasons to be fearful part 3


    Please please please, try and understand that it is not that I want to die or anything like that, I am ‘not well’ you may hear me say. I am just ‘LAZY’ Like my dad used to say, I hate it I [*******] hate feeling like this, why am I wasting more time, more of my life, looking for answers, what if I had a diagnosis that explained everything that is, and that has happened to me, I am so lethargic, right now-oh sorry, most of the time! it is so very very depressing, I do not assume that it is easy for normal people, but it’s just that it seems impossible for me at the bad times.

    I have looked for years on and off, for an answer to ‘what is wrong with me?’ I have been in church (religion of sorts) That hasn’t worked. Now; because this thing works in cycles I am kind of okay right now, but that is utter [‘********’] I am tired of trying to be normal (Physically) or right (Mentally). I feel a bit better right now just for writing this down, I do feel that although in my case there is a hell of a lot of evidence to back up my case, I have an overwhelming feeling that this will not be accepted, what am I signing up for? What would I be losing, what would I gain?

    It is a living ‘[*******] Hell’ most days when I am not well. I have always looked at this back to front, the wrong way around, i.e. Thinking that I am depressed and that makes me lethargic and lifeless. My point is what if I am lethargic and lifeless and that in turn is a depressing state to be in? It would cause me to ask yet again, what the ‘[*******] hell’ is wrong with me. It does now make sense, or is this yet another attempt (Of Mine) to escape taking responsibility, if I had a debilitating disease then maybe people wouldn’t expect so much from me (Including Me! I have no energy left to do anything, I ‘[*******] Hate It’ God know I do.) So hopefully you can see that it is not that I want to die.




    I want to live I realise I want to live!

    I have lost my flow so it’s time to go,

    What I feel only I know,

    Am I the fool from this brand,

    Who expects others to understand,

    I’ve lost so much over the years,

    I have lost touch and cried many tears,

    It does make me look at myself with hate,

    I am nobody's friend, no one’s mate,

    Will I find somebody that comprehends,

    The cycles I ride, it’s recent trend’s,

    Trapped in this body that just won’t work,

    My life is shoddy, I feel like a jerk,

    Makes me feel like I am a child,

    Whose innocence was stolen, when I was defiled,

    Oh God, oh I wish I could be a man,

    It cannot be done, without a plan,

    Yes, as usual, it is all about ME,

    Could that Freudian slip, set me free?

    Sometimes I am blind or totally deaf,

    There are times when I have nothing left,

    I am just too much, is what they cry,

    Just leave me alone and pass on by.

    [Edited by Ayshe Mod]

  • The pressure is mounting.

  • I was told on Friday by a locum GP that it could be at least three weeks before I get an assessment date.

    19 Days to go then, not that I am counting or anything, lol.

  • I am not sure if this will work? Test  A1.

  • I have been officially diagnosed as having ASD from birth. (They are looking into ADHD, I have been on the waiting list since 2017.)

    Yay on the diagnosis poetical dude ~ and yay on the being back on the forum too!

  • Hi Ellie! great to hear about your first appointment too!

  • Congrats Hendrow I bet thats a relief, I got my diagnosis a year ago tomorrow and it was for me. Be kind to yourself, its a lot to take in and I'm still processing it 12 months on.

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