Wrote My Doctor This Note
(This was written on 4/4/17, but never actually delivered.)
Dear Doctor B****ley,
This is not a quote, surely it won't harm my case to write you this note. Why is it that I think I have Asperger's Syndrome, following our conversation last week on the telephone, I have taken and passed the online AQ test, so in my opinion there is only one move left. Looking at my history, how come no-one guessed, undiagnosed for over forty plus years, it was thought that depression was the reason for my tears. I also took the EQ test my score was a six, so without a doubt in my mind there is a problem to fix, I get what I call mind-lock and then it is hard to think, it's like time stops and I am all out of sync.
It has been very hard trying to live a 'normal' life, sometimes I say 'innocent' things that cut like a knife.My past has gone and what I have done cannot be reversed, truth be told I did really wonder if I had been cursed, I don't express my emotions like anyone I know.I can be happy inside but a poker face I'll show, living in a logical world with form and order, my narrow horizons, maybe they should be broader. But who is to say for me what is right or wrong, Its a fight ever day for me and I am not feeling strong. I didn't expect to find myself when looking into HFA, it fits like a hand in a glove is what I am trying to say. Is my brain broke or is it a gift? either way I badly need a lift. We can go through my evidence that you wanted to see, I have written them out for you alphabetically. 
  • Sorry Will Do.
    Why do you twist and turn things, and then call me evil,
    Later you say you love me, thats unbelievable,
    I have tried and tried, tried to explain,
    There is a real issue, a problem with my brain,
    One minute you speak as one who understands,
    The next you want to kill me with your bare hands,
    I know I have changed way beyond all recognition,
    And I wouldn’t want to be stuck in your position,
    We are hurting each other, but thats not what we need,
    I try, you cry, we shout, scream and plead,
    We so need counselling or something of the sort,
    I know the money spent, and the food brought,
    But Mind-lock and Brain-freeze are my reality,
    Overload and Overwhelm are there for all to see,
    Your sick, I am sick, I hear the clocks tick,
    My procrastination and hesitation, makes you physically sick,
    I so hope we both get the help that we so need,
    But with memory problems, how do we get to read,
    Be quick, fast, and work to our full potential,
    To function well you say sleep is really essential,
    As is a good diet, with plenty of water,
    Exercise and fresh fruit, should make up a quarter,
    Of the the things that we do in our lives for us,
    We can waste so much time just making a fuss,
    About who did what, where, when and why?
    It is so very sad, makes me want to cry,
    Out loud, I am not too proud,
    If I can get my head out of this cloud,
    I’ve said it before and now I say it again,
    It took all of my strength not to go insane,
    I have really bad tinnitus my ears they are screaming,
    The only time the noises stop is when I am dreaming,
    My condition, is it the cause of all my woe’s,
    Because it affects from my crown, down to my toes,
    I do wonder, because I heard someone say,
    It’s in our blood, written in our DNA,
    I have a tendency to worry and fret,
    About possibilities that haven’t happened yet,
    There is a certain kind of safety, found in routine,
    And unless you make me, go where I have never been,
    I will be comfortable, absolutely no trouble,
    As long as the unexpected, doesn’t burst my bubble,
    Texture in life to me means so much,
    Things I don’t want to see, some don’t want to touch,
    My hearing is messed up, can’t hear what was said,
    I always had to rest up, after smashing my head,
    The grey matter in my skull, something not quite right,
    The days that are so dull, running from a fight,
    Most definitely I don’t want a fight with you,
    So prove it I hear you say, show me it’s true,
    Once again I use my brain in this very line,
    Reaching out to you and asking one more time,
    Realizing that if we want to live in harmony,
    You will have to accept, we think differently.
    (The last five lines are acrostic-S,O,R,R,Y.)
  • I like this one thank you for sharing.

  • I wrote this as an acrostic poem for Steve at
                    ADULTS WITH AUTISM
              Steve - You Believe
    Adults with Autism, that would be me and you,
    Don’t often say or do, what other people do,
    Understanding us is sometimes not too easy,
    Loving us is wonderful, is that a bit too cheesy,
    Thinking as we do, feeling like this,
    Sometimes some obvious things are quite easy to miss,
    When you’re feeling low, blue or even depressed,
    It can show through, when you are being stressed,
    Try as we might, and I know I am right,
    Having Autism, and keeping it out of sight,
    Amounts to stupidity multiplied by shame,
    Unrecognised by many, but we know his name,
    The funny and quirky things that we all do,
    Is what makes me myself, and yourself you,
    So in summing up this is what I’m trying to say,
    Make the most of what you have, and do it today.
  • I was sent an instrumental version of this on my FB page, I have been obsessive and OCD about this song in the past. I have amended the lyrics to make them more accurate, I have claimed this version as my own, it has a profound effect on me. For me it encapsulates my life purpose to perfection. 


    Well I heard there was a secret chord
    That Dowd played and it pleased Yahowah
    But you don't really care for music, do ya?
    Well it goes like this: the fourth, the fifth
    The minor fall and the major lift
    The baffled king composing HalleluYah

    HalleluYah, HalleluYah, HalleluYah, HalleluYah.

    Your trust was strong but you needed proof
    You saw her bathing on the roof
    Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya’
    She tied you to her kitchen chair
    She broke your throne and she cut your hair
    And from your lips she drew the HalleluYah

    HalleluYah, HalleluYah, HalleluYah, HalleluYah.

    Baby I've been here before
    I've seen this room an’ I've walked this floor y’know
    I used to live alone before I knew ya’
    And I've seen your flag on the marble arch
    And love is not a victory march
    It's a cold, and it's a broken HalleluYah.

  • I was sent an instrumental version of this on my FB page, I have been obsessive and OCD about this song in the past. I have amended the lyrics to make them more accurate, I have claimed this version as my own, it has a profound effect on me. For me it encapsulates my life purpose to perfection. 


    Well I heard there was a secret chord
    That Dowd played and it pleased Yahowah
    But you don't really care for music, do ya?
    Well it goes like this: the fourth, the fifth
    The minor fall and the major lift
    The baffled king composing HalleluYah

    HalleluYah, HalleluYah, HalleluYah, HalleluYah.

    Your trust was strong but you needed proof
    You saw her bathing on the roof
    Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya’
    She tied you to her kitchen chair
    She broke your throne and she cut your hair
    And from your lips she drew the HalleluYah

    HalleluYah, HalleluYah, HalleluYah, HalleluYah.

    Baby I've been here before
    I've seen this room an’ I've walked this floor y’know
    I used to live alone before I knew ya’
    And I've seen your flag on the marble arch
    And love is not a victory march
    It's a cold, and it's a broken HalleluYah.

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