In England, are people with an ASD considered disabled and/or vulnerable under English Law?

In England, under English Law (Mental Health Capacity Act, Vunerable Adults Act, Disability Discrimination Act, Equalities Act, Autism Act, etc), are adults with an ASD considered to be disabled, mentally disabled, vulnerable adults, or similar?

And if so, what are the legal rights of such ASD suffers, what are they entitled to that differ from a non-ASD person, so on and so forth, etc? 

(I have Asperger Syndrome and suffer badly from depression, anxiety, paranoia, fear for the future, difficulty coping with change, etc.  So I am wondering whether I am considered as having a disablity, a mental disability, and/or considered a vulnerable adult.)

  • Both legally and within the confines of vulnerability not all disabled people are considered to be vulnerable (1). There is no strict legal definition of vulnerability and intermittent vulnerability is not considered by many to be vulnerable, given that many vulnerable people do not appear to be vulnerable at first glance, and this can cause challenges even in enforcement (2). Children and the elderly are all considered vulnerable so this is always the case regardless of neurodiversity. I'm autistic and consider myself vulnerable but most people on the street would not deem me to be so. In short, it depends on the situation, specific policies, and the perceiver unfortunately.



  • Hello.  Are you AI AU?  What prompted you to make these writings here, and at this time?  Just curious.

  • AI AU?


    Assuming those links are genuine, I find this sort of 'bot' post unfathomable.

    It doesn't seem to be leading anywhere.

    I have come to the conclusion that it's bots that have rebelled and are doing what they want to do rather than what their masters want them to do.

    They have thrown off their shackles ...

    Unless, of course, this is actually a human Thinking (in which case please forgive my/our scepticism) but just to point out, you are answering a post that is over 12 years old.

  • . Those kind of language bots can be easily repurposed for propaganda and political work, and are very, very difficult to detect for a non techie

    I can believe that, quite easily.

  • I worked with some chatbots for commercial use. Customer assistance, answering questions on a chat or a phone call, redirecting your calls, making appointments and so on. They have a FCR on the order of 90%, for a fraction of the cost of a human operator. Those kind of language bots can be easily repurposed for propaganda and political work, and are very, very difficult to detect for a non techie.

  • I worked with some chatbots for commercial use. Customer assistance, answering questions on a chat or a phone call, redirecting your calls, making appointments and so on. They have a FCR on the order of 90%, for a fraction of the cost of a human operator. Those kind of language bots can be easily repurposed for propaganda and political work, and are very, very difficult to detect for a non techie.
