Kemi Badenoch

Kemi Badenoch says autistic children do not get “better treatment or equipment at school”. Tell that to my autistic son who comes home and breaks down each night from the strain of going to school and is almost unable to leave the house at weekends from exhaustion.

She says autistic adults receive “economic advantages and protections” at work and in society. No we don't. I have had over 40 jobs in the last 15 years and almost every single one has led to a breakdown or burnout due to trying to survive in a workplace not designed for my needs. 

Each time I try to heal and pick myself up and go again to the next job because I know there is no other alternative. because process to claim PIP or other disability benefits for me or my son is nearly impossible.

The worst thing about Kemi's thoughtlessness is it will feed into the stereotypes and misconceptions that so many people already have about autistic people in this country. There will be so many reactionary idiots reading that today and nodding their heads and saying "oh finally someone's saying it". Her words will make this country an even more inhospitable, understanding place for autistic people than it already is. We already know we're not welcome, we don't need a potential future Prime Minister saying it

  • She's starting to make Powell seem like the good Enoch (not my line but it made me chuckle when I read it)

  • Thanks, TheCatWoman for calling out Badenoch's dreadful comments. It did worry me to read about the essay and the harm such comments cause but reading your reply made me laugh as you put it so well.  

  • You lost me when you said Twitter. It's probably the most horrible place on the internet.

  • Some of the comments on twitter about these are blaming autism people for abusing the system, they have no idea how difficult it is to claim disability.

    One person with aspergers on there started calling another autistic person, horrible names and bullying them.

  • Can you support your claim that Harris and Trump  are the same using facts, logic and evidence?  Because if not it will remain unsubstantiated. .  An unproven belief.

  • I hope you did your reseach in the rightplaces.

    Apparently some facts are invalidated simply because of where they come from.

    I do love it when people call for "nuanced thinking" about these things. There's owt nuanced about any of it, they are the lions and wolves and we are the sheep voting which side we will feed with our taxes and compliance. BAH.

  • Imperial overreach means that Left and Right is no longer determined by Economic or Social Status, but by Lifestyle Choices.

    It got this way because Schools became market research, rather than academies. Kids were used as inventory, to determine what we would follow, buy, watch, read and say. Data mining preceded Amazon. At Final Year, at Uni, in 2000 I did a module in Data Mining. We used Clementine, created by a US Government Department.

    It was preemted, while foul was cried about China and Russia doing the same.

  • I have breakdowns a lot and I am 24. I am terrified of what the governments both left and right will do to us in the future, I think they hate autistic and disabled people

    When I worked in my last job, the local authority I worked for seemed extremely relcutant to provide any adjustments for me, you could tell it was more like a chore for them, rather than actually wanting me to have some adjustments, they did provide, but bregrudingly. She will be like the others wanting to take the equality act like Reform does

  • Many people do make the mistake in thinking politicians are all the same. Given their similarities, it's an easy logical leap to make. Especially if you're not paying attention.  I find the idea of Harris and Trump having the same views particularly amusing.  This is a subject matter that requires nuanced and intelligent thinking.

  • You've done well to keep going for so long. You shouldn't feel bad for eventually reaching a point of economic inactivity. I'm on the cusp of the same age 39, though family circumstance won't allow it.

    I've always been conservative-leaning, valuing stoicism and personal responsibility, but Kemi's words and rhetoric aren't helpful. Those genuinely in need of compassion and support, for whatever reason, should get it

  • I did my own research on her. Wink

    She voted Leave in 2016, is a fan of Thomas Sowell and opposed Wokeism.

    Perhaps her comments were exaggerated by the Left-Wing Journo Mafia, so she's portrayed as a Sociopath.

  • I am somebody who is genrally from 'the right', but also has some very left wing liberal ideas, this is just preaching to the converted. I was not diagnosed until I was 50, I have had zero help all my life and am now totally burnt out at 54. Mainstream parties, particually the Tories, expect everybody to work to make money for the rich. The though of poor, or disabled, people getting something better than somebody normal drives lots of hatred amoung Tories. They will hate me soon as I am going to be economically inactive for 6 months to try and recover from burnout. Just being made to go to work is enough for many of us. I know somebody with ASD that has an very,very well paid career but suffers for it. While I have never had anything more than a basic job amd even that is too much for me know.


  • I wouldn't spend too much effort worrying about this person.  She's a bully as evidenced by the multiple complaints agains her in July 2024 ( and is just continuing that trend by singling us out.  She's a disgraceful person, singling out the most vulnerable in society as her personal punchbag.  This is what you get from someone who spend five years working at the Spectator and is hell bent on grabing power.  She'll fade into obscurity over the next five years I am sure.

  • That american election WILL deliver an awful result.

    More of the same which ever puppet gets in. 

    Same as our last one did. 

  • Sums up the tories and the right with their abhorrent attitudes.

    We may have the right for reasonable adjustments but that does not mean it in practice. The only way to tackle it is an employment tribunal and that is a risk to us if we cannot prove to an employment judge and can end up with the loss of employment.

    We are seen as a burden by employers (not all)

  • She's ghastly.  This is what happens when intelligent folk ignore politics and think that it's something that isn't worth their time.  We become led by the very worst people.

    Unfortunately the OP is right when he says that many of the UK's reactionaries will agree with her.

    Jenrick is equally awful by the way.

    I also have my problems and disagreements with the Prime Minister.

    Then there's the looming US Presidential Election that may deliver an awful result.

    If you're into current affairs, then there is plenty to be concerned about.

  • I think she's a silly cow! She obviously knows nothing about being ND and whilst anxiety is often a symptom of being ND, it's just wrong the way she lumped them together.

    If she gets elected as Tory leader, then I don't think she'll last long, or if she does make it as far as the next election then we'll probably have another Labour government, seeing as she's going after maternity pay, leave, and disability in general

  • I found this shocking, too. The full text from that part of the document reads as follows [I've added a couple of comments in square brackets and italics, like this]:

    "This change in the nature of ‘harm’ helps explains why people who had suffered events once seen as non-traumatic now feel entitled to support. This increases demand for psychologists and therapists, required to help people previously seen as able to cope. As will be set out in the forthcoming book, across the psychological and psychotherapy professions, numbers have risen from 102,000 in 200240 to 223,700 in 2023.

    Being diagnosed as neuro-diverse [me: should say neurodivergent - an individual can't be neurodiverse] was once seen as helpful as it meant you could understand your own brain, and so help you to deal with the world. It was an individual focused change. But now it also offers economic advantages and protections. If you have a neurodiversity [me: neurodivergent] diagnosis (e.g. anxiety [me: which is not one], autism), then that is usually seen as a disability, a category similar to race or biological sex in terms of discrimination law and general attitudes.

    If you are a child, you may well get better treatment or equipment at school – even transport to and from home. If you are in the workforce, you are protected in employment terms from day 1, you can more easily claim for unfair dismissal, and under disability rules you can also require your employer makes ‘reasonable adjustments’ to your job (and you can reveal your disability once you have been employed rather than before).

    In short, whereas once psychological and mental health was seen as something that people should work on themselves as individuals, mental health [me: autism is not a mental health condition - it's a neurodevelopmental condition] has become something that society, schools and employers have to adapt around".

    From: NewsConservatism in Crisis: Rise of the Bureaucratic ClassRead the Renewal2030 pamphlet launched today by Kemi.John Doe11 Jan 2022•5 min read

  • The whole thing is full of nonsense and I would love it if all politicians stopped commenting on things they are not knowledgeable about.

    There's been a lot of pushback against her comments though so it's not all bad.