When seeking a diagnosis is it essential to have input from someone who knew me in childhood?

Thanks to everyone who responded to my previous question. I got looks of helpful answers.

My next question is about having an assessment. 

I have read that assessments ask for information from someone who knew me when I was a child. My problem is that I can't think of anyone who I could ask to do this. There are reasons why I don't not think either of my parents would be suitable options.

Is it a necessary part of an assessment for diagnosis to have information from someone who knew me in childhood? Is it even worth bothering asking my GP about seeking diagnosis if I know that when they ask me about this I already know there is no one to ask?

  • I was worried about this before mine, because I didn't want to ask my brother, who is the only person left. (Not for bad reasons, but because he would have done everything to make me seem as 'normal' as possible.)

    Others have said here before that it is not a trial. I think the childhood witnesses make it easier for them, but they can still get by with your recollections. Collect as many of these as possible and keep notes of them when you remember them.

    My wife helped, but not because she knew me then, but for more present day information and conversations that she had many years ago with my mum. I don't think that this was essential. It just helped.

  • I was worried about this before mine, because I didn't want to ask my brother, who is the only person left. (Not for bad reasons, but because he would have done everything to make me seem as 'normal' as possible.)

    Others have said here before that it is not a trial. I think the childhood witnesses make it easier for them, but they can still get by with your recollections. Collect as many of these as possible and keep notes of them when you remember them.

    My wife helped, but not because she knew me then, but for more present day information and conversations that she had many years ago with my mum. I don't think that this was essential. It just helped.

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