I’m so unhappy in my job

I’m autistic and 43 YOand after a burnout 6 months ago, I’m back in the role that I have been in for 18 years. Since the burnout I have been unable to mask, but I’m also finding that I am struggling to do the actual job which is working with data at a senior level. Everything that made sense before doesn’t make sense. Numbers are jumbled, words are hard to comprehend. It feels like I can no longer do the job or even want to. All adaptions are in place, I’m just not happy there anymore. I have no idea where to even start looking for another job. Who’s going to want me now. Sorry my words aren’t very articulate tonight. 

  • I'm completely relating to you here. I had the same 4 years ago. Leading up to the dreaded burnout I would struggle to get motivated in a morning. As days went on and on I masked my feelings, emotions and anxiety. Until I hit rock bottom and I just had to quit. Yes there was the worry about money and having to support my family but I knew I had to do something. Luckily my partner worked so we managed, just. But it took me many many months of finding myself again, completely re evaluating my life, working out what was important and what wasn't. Step back, breathe and take time to re assess or you'll just keep spiraling. My thoughts are with you. 

  • I'm completely relating to you here. I had the same 4 years ago. Leading up to the dreaded burnout I would struggle to get motivated in a morning. As days went on and on I masked my feelings, emotions and anxiety. Until I hit rock bottom and I just had to quit. Yes there was the worry about money and having to support my family but I knew I had to do something. Luckily my partner worked so we managed, just. But it took me many many months of finding myself again, completely re evaluating my life, working out what was important and what wasn't. Step back, breathe and take time to re assess or you'll just keep spiraling. My thoughts are with you. 

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