Funny seaside stories

Hi I thought I’d set my fun discussions up again. The summers over and the cold weather is back but I just thought of the seaside and seagulls after my experience earlier today. I was on my way into town this evening to go to my board game group felt hungry so i thought let’s get a stake bake from greggs. As I left I started to eat my bake and this seagull came out of nowhere and I think I reacted very quickly and punched the bird it flew off and my bake was saved lol. The bird was unharmed as I saw it land and run towards some hungry pigeons lol. So have anything of you guys got any funny stories to share. 

  • Me and two friends went to Aberystwyth for the day, as we got out of the car near the the seafront, we saw an old lady, wearing a fur coat, sat in a wheelchair bottle feeding a lamb who was wearing a nappy! We were all glad not to have been alone that day and to have witnesses to the weirdness.

  • Me and two friends went to Aberystwyth for the day, as we got out of the car near the the seafront, we saw an old lady, wearing a fur coat, sat in a wheelchair bottle feeding a lamb who was wearing a nappy! We were all glad not to have been alone that day and to have witnesses to the weirdness.
