What is wrong with people since Covid in the U.K.?

Having lived in the U.K. 23 years with many English friends (and where in many respects, the situation is much worse in my native Republic of Ireland) I only recently came across a video talking about the potential destruction of the U.K. (on top of other things I’d seen online) but, having watched a lot of patterns and trends of things about life in general in the U.K. since Covid, what really took me aback and horrified me was that some people here in the U.K. were actually actively calling for the U.K. to “crash and burn” as if they were in “self-destruct” mode and some of my English friends have even expressed similar sentiments, despite the history and heritage of England (even if historically we Irish and English have not always seen “eye to eye” over the centuries) - this goes beyond simply accepting a given situation, it’s actively calling for the destruction of one’s nation, which frankly, as an Irish patriot, I find horrifying - there is a certain element of this back home in Ireland but not to the same extent as it is here in the U.K. and I often wonder if this is a spiritual deficiency - I’ve always regarded things relating to Covid as being a cross-generational spiritual battle and it’s even made me think about our own Irish history, were we Irish ever really free in any part of our history, either in centuries past, the Easter Rising of 1916, the Treaty of 1921, the Civil War of 1922 and even after we became a Republic in 1949 - many people in Irish patriot circles still say that the influence of the British Crown never really left Ireland and this was also replaced by the EU snd the globalists in the US as well as the CCP indirect influences - living in Manchester, its been a lot more stable in many respects during and after Covid, compared to many other parts of the U.K. and certainly in comparison to Ireland, which post-Covid, has lurched from crisis to crisis 

  • Yeh it’s like everywhere you go now you can see the destruction that’s taking place in this country. Lack of funding everywhere you go. That’s people’s excuse for everything now. ‘Oh we don’t have funding to help you out, get lost!’ Humanity don’t care no more. I only care about me and my family now. I used to help strangers but I don’t anymore gone are the days when a man would help his fellow man. It’s really a free for all since Covid. Every man is out for himself. Sadly only the strong will thrive. No funding. No funding. It’s the same all the time. I get told this all the time. I think since Covid people have just become bigger a**holes rather than bringing people together sadly.  I mean I’ve gotta look out for me and my family I can’t help people as much as I used to. Times are getting tough and money is becoming scarce. It’s like £6 for a pint of beer now I can’t afford to go out for a drink because it’s too expensive. If I went out every weekend for a drink I’d be screwed financially. Times are tough man. Everywhere not just the UK eitherz

  • Yeh it’s like everywhere you go now you can see the destruction that’s taking place in this country. Lack of funding everywhere you go. That’s people’s excuse for everything now. ‘Oh we don’t have funding to help you out, get lost!’ Humanity don’t care no more. I only care about me and my family now. I used to help strangers but I don’t anymore gone are the days when a man would help his fellow man. It’s really a free for all since Covid. Every man is out for himself. Sadly only the strong will thrive. No funding. No funding. It’s the same all the time. I get told this all the time. I think since Covid people have just become bigger a**holes rather than bringing people together sadly.  I mean I’ve gotta look out for me and my family I can’t help people as much as I used to. Times are getting tough and money is becoming scarce. It’s like £6 for a pint of beer now I can’t afford to go out for a drink because it’s too expensive. If I went out every weekend for a drink I’d be screwed financially. Times are tough man. Everywhere not just the UK eitherz

  • Its also very interesting that the Irish Carmelite Sisters of the Holy Face recently put out a very hard-hitting and uncompromising video saying that we are living under a form of communism and that mankind must stop sinning and start to obey God’s Commandments, advocating an immediate return to traditional moral values as the only way out of our current situation - I realised during Covid that evil of all kinds was a very real and tangible force in our world and so it was very difficult to disagree with the Sisters on these points, where evil is currently in total control of our world and has been down the ages, as I’d also known that the traditional position of the Catholic Church was always to oppose communism which was regarded as moral relativism, even after Vatican II, as when I was growing up in the 70’s & 80’s, many Catholic Parish Priests in our parish used to constantly preach against the evils of communism at all Sunday Masses and also when they would come into schools to talk to us children in the Primary & Secondary Schools